Home / Security & Threat Management / Intelligent driver information system (IDIS) will improve road safety by reducing the risk of collisions

Intelligent driver information system (IDIS) will improve road safety by reducing the risk of collisions

The rising road accidents which cause  serious injuries, and even fatalities  has lead industry to look for solution that can enhance safety both in terms of the vehicle and the operation of the vehicle. One of the technology is the the Intelligent Driver Information System is also known simply as IDIS.


The system was introduced to the world by car manufacturing giant Volvo in 2003, and it became the first generation of a management system based on interaction between the vehicle and the driver. It was designed to serve numerous purposes like assisting driver and improving safety. However, due to technological advancements, IDIS now provides various other features like collision warning with auto brake. The system is designed to identify a possible collision and alert the driver so that the collision can be avoided or the severity of it reduced.  This is a very important feature pertaining to the risk of road accidents. Another remarkable feature of IDIS is adaptive cruise control (ACC), which adapts the vehicle’s speed with respect to the vehicle’s speed in front which assists with the smooth-flow of traffic.


Intelligent driver information system (IDIS) is expected to witness the fastest growth from 2019 to 2025. This will improve road safety by reducing the risk of collisions. Such remarkable features are expected to significantly boost ITMS market demand.


The basic function of this system is to provide continuous monitoring of the demands in relation to the driving situation at the time. The Intelligent Driving system collects data on speed, location, topography, traffic light patterns, congestion, and more. This data is then funneled from the cloud into a propulsion controller that actively adjusts vehicle speed, energy balance and performance to help the vehicle make smarter, energy-saving decisions. It also schedules a variety of messages to keep the driver informed, which includes information relating to incoming text message or calls.


When applied to hybrid electric vehicles, Intelligent Driving technology has the potential to improve efficiency even further as new driver assistance technologies emerge, across all propulsion systems, including internal combustion, hybrid or full electric.

Technologies used in Driver Assistance System

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)

ACC has been under development since the Prometheus (Programme for European Transport with Highest Efficiency and Unprecedented Safety) programme began in 1986. Today’s ACC relies on radar or laser technology to track a vehicle ahead and maintain a safe gap. It lets the vehicle hold a speed but adjusts to changing traffic conditions with automatic braking and acceleration .ACC reduces the number of sudden accelerations and decelerations, enables speed synchronization among vehicles, and encourages smooth lane change behaviors, and reduce accident possibility.When situation is out of hand the vehicle is decelerated and stopped in worst conditions for the safety of the driver.


Lane Departure Warning

Lane departure warning alerts the driver when the car begins to leave its lane without obvious input from the driver (for instance, when the driver is distracted or is very tired). A video camera in the rear view mirror allows the electronics to track the lane markings on the road ahead. Using this video image the software determines the car’s position in the lane and then compares this position with additional inputs taken from the steering angle, brake and accelerator position sensors – and whether or not the indicators are in use. If the car begins to drift off track for no apparent reason, the driver is alerted by an audio or haptic warning such as a vibrating the seat and match all the different available information and then decide to display on HMI.


Parking assistance

Citroën C4 Picasso’s is the world’s first car to feature integrated parking space management. The parking space measurement system  is based on the supplier’s parking assistant, which helps drivers avoid shunting other cars and obstacles while parking. While driving at a speed of up to 20 km/h – the sensor then gauges the space. The assistant indicates to the driver via the central display whether the gap is big enough for the car, a tight squeeze, or simply too small. The same visual and acoustic signals that feature in the parking assistant then warn the driver of any obstacles.


Collision Avoidance System

The introduction of collision warning/avoidance systems allows the driver to take appropriate corrective actions in order to mitigate, or completely avoid the collision event. Some of the dangers that sensors can pick up include how close the vehicle is to other vehicles surrounding it, how much its speed needs to be reduced while going around a curve, and how close the vehicle is going off the road. The system uses sensors that send and receive signals from other vehicles; obstacles in the road. A situation that provides a good example of how the system works is when a driver is about to change lanes, and when the vehicle is in blind spot. The sensors will detect that vehicle and inform the driver, preventing him from potentially getting into a serious accident.


Driver drowsiness detection

Drowsy driving’, sleep-related vehicle accidents (SRVA’s) are a common type of road crash. In case of hypo vigilance, this system provides an adequate warning to the driver, with various levels of warnings, according to the estimated driver’s hypo vigilance state and also to the estimated level of traffic risk. The Driver Warning System (DWS) uses different modalities –acoustic, visual and haptic output signals to warn the driver against his drowsiness which prevents from accidents.


Automotive Night vision

There are many disciplines and components involved to make a Night Vision system into an interesting assistance system from a technical point of view. Systems which make pedestrian recognition possible in Night Vision systems will certainly be an additional advantage. It increases driver’s perception and seeing distance in darkness or poor weather beyond the reach of the vehicle’s headlights.


Delphi: Intelligent Driving technology achieves >10% CO2 reduction; predictive propulsion software and systems

Delphi Technologies, a global provider of propulsion technologies, is pairing vehicle electrification advances with existing and emerging automated and connected vehicle systems to boost fuel economy, lower emissions, and extend driving range.


Initial testing of what it calls “Intelligent Driving” has demonstrated a greater than 10% reduction in CO2 compared to regular driving modes when tested on a mild-hybrid vehicle in real-world driving conditions.



Our Intelligent Driving system works much like today’s cruise control – essentially something you can turn ‘on’ and ‘off’. With this approach, the system can be used with varying levels of driver assistance and automation, including those in operation today.


—Harry Husted, vice president of engineering, Electronics & Electrification, Delphi Technologies

Taking the technology a step further, Delphi Technologies has been collaborating since the beginning of the year with TomTom, a leader in location technologies, to collect and use TomTom data in its tests of the system’s cloud-based navigation and mapping capabilities. This is to help select the most energy-efficient routes, such as avoiding high congestion areas or construction zones.


Intelligent Driving will continue to evolve as more data becomes available and as active safety and connected vehicle systems become increasingly sophisticated.


In urban driving, for example, vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) or vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) data can alert the system to traffic signal timing, an approaching emergency vehicle or other alerts that indicate a change in traffic patterns or road infrastructure.


Delphi Technologies is discussing possible co-development projects on its Intelligent Driving system with several OEMs, with production possible in the 2021-2022 time frame.


About Rajesh Uppal

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