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DARPA developing software-reconfigurable Passive and Active (LIDAR) imaging sensors from ultraviolet (UV) through very long-wave infrared (VLWIR)

Digital cameras use a focal plane array (FPA) to convert light energy into electrical energy that can be processed and stored. The FPA is a two-dimensional (2-D) array of photodetectors (or pixels) fabricated on an electro-optical material. Modern digital cameras contain FPAs that have pixel counts on the order of …

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JETS TLDS provides all weather, rapid and accurate target engagements with laser and GPS guided precision munitions

The Joint Effects Targeting System (JETS) Target Location Designation System (TLDS) is an Army-led, Joint-interest program with the Air Force and Marine Corps to develop and field a one-man-portable, hand-held capability to rapidly acquire, precisely locate, and engage targets with precision-guided munitions, and improves the effectiveness of engagement with unguided …

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DARPA’s Communicating with Computers (CwC) developing technology to facilitate human-like communication between warfighters and their unamnned vehicles

The lifelong human imperative to communicate is so strong that people talk not only to other people but also to their pets, their plants and their computers. Straightforward as that may sound, communication involves several coordinated processes. The speaker puts ideas into words, the listener extracts ideas from words and, importantly, …

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