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NATO Conducts Locked Shields 2018: World’s Largest International Live-fire Cyber Defense Exercise to train security experts in Cyberwarfare

The urgency behind NATO’s deepening interest in cyber defense is driven by the increasing sophistication of cyberthreats against member states, according to Brig. Gen. Christos Athanasiadis, assistant chief of staff cyber at SHAPE. NATO reported earlier this year that its infrastructure came under threat from 500 cyberattacks monthly in 2016.The …

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RAND envision the world in 2040, analyze security challenges that will shape it and offer guidance to policymakers

In coming decades, emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and 3D printing will pose new risks to people, nations, and global security. At the same time, accelerating change will challenge policymakers’ capacity to adapt. Some of the questions that Michael Rich and his team are exploring in RAND under a …

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Airborne or Spaceborne Synthetic aperture ladar (SAL) for centimeter-class resolution battlefield awareness

Conventional optical imagers are limited in spatial resolution by the diffraction limit of the telescope aperture, as well as by the practical difficulties in increasing the telescope aperture. Synthetic aperture (SA) techniques can increase resolution beyond the diffraction limit of the receiving aperture.   Just as synthetic aperture radar(SAR) working …

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