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Breaking the Heat Barrier: Latest Breakthroughs in Cooling Quantum Computing Systems

Quantum computing is an emerging technology with the potential to revolutionize computing and solve some of the most complex problems that classical computers cannot solve. However, quantum computing systems are highly sensitive to external disturbances such as heat, which makes cooling them a crucial factor for their operation. In this …

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Future of Battlefield Repair: The Rise of Telemaintenance

In the modern era of warfare, maintaining military equipment has become increasingly complex and challenging. Traditional maintenance methods often face obstacles such as logistical constraints, limited accessibility, and the need for specialized personnel. To overcome these challenges, military forces worldwide are turning to telemaintenance, a revolutionary approach that leverages remote …

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India combatting Cyber Attacks from Pakistan, and China, launches Cyber Security Strategy

In recent years, India has faced an escalating barrage of cyber attacks originating primarily from neighboring countries like Pakistan and China. These attacks, often aimed at disrupting critical infrastructure, stealing sensitive data, or spreading misinformation, have underscored the urgent need for a comprehensive cyber security strategy. In response to these …

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