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Electronic Materials for Consumer Electronics

The Global Consumer Electronics Market revenue stood at a value of USD 728.1 Billion in the year 2021 and is expected to reach a value USD 964.6 Billion in the year 2028. Consumer electronic products including personal and home electronics are full of components that rely on materials for proper …

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Android stack organized into Linux kernel, Hardware Abstraction Layer, Android Run Time (ART) to Application Framework layers

In the past mobile phones were used only to make calls but with the introduction of smartphones, the mobile phone has evolved into a low-powered handheld processing system. This evolution was caused by the operating system for mobile phones making them smart that have processing and storage of their own. …

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Rising employment of AI in Air & Missile Defense as threats become Hypersonic

Militaries around the world are increasingly facing a formidable strategic threat environment in terms of complexity, lethality, range, sophistication, and number of threats. These range from Fifth-generation stealth fighters, unmanned air vehicles, and more maneuverable and precision-guided ballistic, cruise, and Hypersonic missiles that are becoming widely proliferated to become more …

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Through the wall imaging (TTWS) or Wall-penetrating radar technologies assist security forces in counterterrorism and diaster management operations

Urban Warfare Operations are complicated by a three-dimensional environment, limited fields of view  because of buildings, enhanced concealment and cover for defenders, and the ease of placement of booby traps and snipers.  Unknown individuals hidden from view can slow emergency efforts and can increase the inherent dangers of tactical operations. …

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DARPA Airborne Energy Well seeks laser propulsion on Aircrafts to power Rechargable Unmanned Aerial Systems

A laser is a device that emits a beam of coherent light through an optical amplification process. Laser propulsion is any method of propelling a spacecraft that uses the energy of laser beams.   There are two main types of laser propulsion, depending on whether the laser is onboard or …

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Future Submarine concepts and technologies from mind controlled, ultrafast, laser communications to launching UUVs and UAVs.

Germans were first to demonstrate the revolutionary capability of submarines in World War I, by both sinking enemy combatants and interdicting commerce. Modern Submarines have become one of the deadliest weapons which are hardest to detect. They are literally a pile of submerged nuclear weapons ready to unleash widespread destruction …

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Spacecraft Interface Control Document (ICD)

The definition, management, and control of interfaces are crucial to successful programs or projects. Interface management is a process to assist in controlling product development when efforts are divided among parties (e.g., Government, contractors, geographically diverse technical teams, etc.) and/or to define and maintain compliance among the products that should …

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Spacecraft Mechanical Sub-system Design & Manufacturing

Mechanical engineering is an engineering branch that combines engineering physics and mathematics principles with materials science, to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems It is one of the oldest and broadest of the engineering branches.   “Mechanical Engineering takes in all built structures and moving parts flown in space, …

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Satellite Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE)

There is growing utilization of miniaturized satellites for military and defense applications.  Defense organizations have been launching communication nanosatellites and microsatellites to provide communication signals to soldiers stationed in remote locations or in dense forests. The military needs more data bandwidth and reliable communications infrastructure for its UAVs, which can …

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Raytheon’s AN/SPY-6(V) is and integrated air and missile defense naval radar that can track multiple ballistic and cruise missile targets.

Navies around the world are increasingly facing formidable strategic and threat environments in terms of complexity, lethality, range, sophistication and number of threats. Many of these threats, including long-range anti-ship cruise missiles, can travel hundreds of miles to their targets,  toward surface ships challenged to detect the approaching weapon with …

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