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DARPA’s LORELEI for All language Real-time intelligence Analysis to support Disaster Relief and worldwide Military operations

U.S. Government operates globally and Understanding local languages is essential for effective situational awareness in military operations, and particularly in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts that require immediate and close coordination with local communities. “In Nigeria, foreign troops hunt Boko Haram terrorists through areas using as many as 44 …

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DARPA robotic landing gear enables Unmanned Robotic Helicopter, to land on the Rough

Despite their airborne maneuverability, helicopters, with their skid-or-wheel landing gear, still need a level surface to set down which are scarce in combat and rescue missions. Landing on an uneven surface could them to tip over or the rotor blades to come into contract with the ground resulting in disaster. …

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Completely Dark Materials Breakthroughs for Energy, Space Instrumentation and Military

A new material that absorbs 98 to 99 percent of light from all angles has been created by å team of scientists in Saudi Arabia. The King Abdulla University of Science and Technology researchers led by Andrea Fratalocchi developed this blacker than black technology in an effort to promote improved …

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Assured Nanosecond Accuracy Wireless Network Synchronization in GPS denied environment

Researchers of USC Viterbi School of Engineering, Segura, Niranjayan, Hashemi and Andreas Molisch, have experimentally demonstrated the first wireless network synchronized with nanosecond accuracy. They have developed a prototype, consisting of four nodes that synchronize to each other with an accuracy of approximately three nanoseconds. They also introduced a scalable …

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DARPA’s CMUVT and LUSTER provided Ultraviolet Thrust for Chemical & Biological Warfare, Missile warning, Atomic Clocks and Communications

Among all the electromagnetic waves in the universe, the most relevant to us are those in the visible spectrum. It is the radiation at these wavelengths that enables us to see our surroundings and live, by breathing in oxygen generated by photosynthesis. Ultraviolet (UV) is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength from …

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Reports say China has developed secret “STAR WARS” Weapon, what kind of it appears to be?

China has achieved a technological breakthrough that could help introduce pulse weapons to the People’s Liberation Army’s arsenal, reports the Global Times, a tabloid under the auspices of the Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily. According to the report, the Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of the Chinese Academy …

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First ever biological amplifier created by Imperial scientists, can assist in rapid detection of Bioterrorism

Scientists from Imperial College London have created a biological amplifier, similar to inbuilt amplifiers in cells of our own bodies, that first detect and then boost biological signals, which are crucial for survival and reproduction.

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