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Global Fiber Optic Cable Market

Fiber optics, or optical fibers, are long, thin strands of carefully drawn glass about the diameter of a human hair. These strands are arranged in bundles called optical cables. We rely on them to transmit light signals over long distances.   Optical fibers typically include a glass structure called core …

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Speech recognition and Speech translation technologies driving AI Chatbots and intelligent agents for global businesses, disaster relief and military operations

Speech Translation is the process by which conversational spoken phrases are instantly translated and spoken aloud in a second language. A speech translation system would typically integrate the following three software technologies: automatic speech recognition (ASR), machine translation (MT) and voice synthesis (TTS). Fast, accurate speech-to-speech translation can globalize the free …

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DARPA CCU developing AI enabled automated cultural interpreters and dialogue assistants

The Department of Defense (DoD) is one of many government agencies that operates globally and is in constant contact with diverse cultures. Communicative understanding, not simply of local languages but also of social customs and cultural backgrounds, lies at the heart of Civil Affairs and Military Information Support Operations activities. …

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Quantum cryptography (QC) or Quantum key distribution (QKD) are assumed hackproof but its implementations have vulnerabilities

Quantum computers could undermine almost all of the encryption protocols that we use today. Though quantum computers are still quite some way from being practical, usable machines, once they become so, we could be looking at a whole new world when it comes to online privacy — one in which …

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AI enabled Intelligent Satellite Networks

Satellite communication can provide many benefits and complement terrestrial networks. They can provide service continuity, to provide network access over uncovered and under-covered areas. They can provide backup or service ubiquity, to ameliorate the network availability in cases of temporary outage or destruction of a ground network due to disasters. …

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Dynamic metasurfaces including Liquid crystal metasurfaces allow tuning of metasurface functionality also after fabrication.

Metamaterials are artificially structured materials designed to control and manipulate physical phenomena such as light and other electromagnetic waves, sound waves and seismic waves in unconventional ways, resulting in exotic behavior that’s not found in nature. This class of micro- and nano-structured artificial media are predicted to be able to protect …

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Electric Propulsion based on Iodine Fuel will enable Moon and other near Earth objects missions to deorbiting, rendezvous, and satellite maintenance mission

Propulsion systems can be classified based on their dependence on the onboard power: electric and non-electric systems. Electric propulsion systems are mainly classified into resistojet, electrospray, ion, Hall and pulsed plasma systems, and they actively require on-board power for their operation, while the non-electric propulsion systems can be classified into …

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Materials for nonlinear integrated photonics

Nonlinear optics (NLO) is the branch of optics that describes the behavior of light in nonlinear media, that is, media in which the dielectric polarization P responds nonlinearly to the electric field E of the light. The nonlinearity is typically observed only at very high light intensities (values of the …

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Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSEL& VECSEL) arrays enable data communication to lidar and military infrared imaging

The illumination source employs different technologies, ranging from lamps to semiconductor light emitting diodes (LEDs) or lasers. The lamp, while straight-forward, is broad-band, bulky, and generally inefficient.   The main wavelengths of interest for illumination are around 808nm, 976m, 1064nm, and 1550nm. The 808nm region offers the best responsivity for …

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Europe and US launch Quantum testbeds and Quantum loop to catchup China in Quantum Communications Race

The race to conquer the quantum domain is among the most fiercely competitive in today’s world of technology. One important quantum technology is Quantum key distribution (QKD), that establishes highly secure keys between distant parties by using single photons to transmit each bit of the key.   Quantum cryptography is unbreakable …

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