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Electronics & EW

Communications intelligence (COMINT) technology

Electronic Warfare EW, encompasses, in all battle phases, military actions involving the use of EM energy to determine, exploit, reduce or prevent hostile use of EM spectrum and the actions, which retain friendly use of the EM spectrum. EW consists of three related sectors, viz., Electronic Protection (EP), Electronic Attack …

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DOD developing hardened Military GPS receivers or User Equipment (MGUE) to mitigate the threat of GPS Jamming and Navigation Warfare

Systems like GPS, Russia’s GLONASS, China’s BeiDou, and Europe’s Galileo systems  are  Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS) that provides real-time positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) data. The worldwide Global Positioning System (GPS), created in the late 1980s, has evolved to become an essential part of life for nearly every person on …

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DARPA Quantum Apertures (QA) developing employing Rydberg atoms for military electronic warfare, radar, and communications.

The world, say many experts, is on the verge of a second quantum revolution. Many scientists believe that quantum will enjoy its first real commercial success in sensing. That’s because sensing can take advantage of the very characteristic that makes building a quantum computer so difficult: the extraordinary sensitivity of …

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Electronic Components Market

An electronic components is a physical entity in an electronic device that is used to affect the electronic field. Electronic components are categorized into two types i.e. active components and passive components. Active electronic components are used to produce energy in the form of voltage, whereas passive electronic components are used …

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DoD Rapid Assured Microelectronics Prototypes (RAMP)

In Oct 2020,  the Department of Defense announced it has awarded over $197 million to advance microelectronics technology and strengthen the American microelectronics industrial base. This critical industry will underpin the development of other Department of Defense technology priorities such as artificial intelligence, 5G communications, quantum computing, and autonomous vehicles. …

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Organic or Plastic electronics promising for batteries, solar cells

While conventional electronics like computers and smartphones are built around silicon integrating billions of transistors and is manufactured using complex, costly and wasteful processes in multi-billion dollar foundries , organic electronics aim to replace this by “organic” semiconductors which are long chains of thousands of repeating molecules (a plastic), made …

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Machine learning for radio frequency systems from wireless and Cognitive Radio to Militrary Radars

US  considers the Electromagnetic domain that is the electromagnetic spectrum portion of the information environment as a domain of Warfare. Assured access to the RF portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is critical to communications, radar sensing, command and control, time transfer, and geo-location and therefore for conducting military operations. The …

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Man portable military systems require Low Power Electronics technologies

The vision for the future soldier is to be combat effective and also highly mobile, adaptive, networked, sustainable with total battle space situation awareness and information assurance. Therefore, he is equipped with night- vision goggles, radios, smartphones, GPS, infrared sights, a laptop as well as batteries to power them.   …

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Spintronic materials

Spin electronics (also called spintronics, magnetoelectronics or magnetronics) is “A branch of physics concerned with the storage and transfer of information by means of electron spins in addition to electron charge as in conventional electronics.” Spin-based electronics focuses on devices whose functionality is based primarily on the spin degree of …

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Molecular spintronics is emerging field of nanoscale electronics that uses molecules to build ultrafast, low power electronics devices

The age of electrically-based devices has been with us for more than six decades.  With more and more electrical devices being packed into smaller and smaller spaces, the limits of physical space will prevent further expansion in the direction the microelectronics industry is currently going.  Also, volatile memory, which does …

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