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ARGUS-IS, and ARGUS-IR are DARPA’s Real-Time, Day/Night, Drone Gigapixel Imaging and Surveillance systems in the sky

Our military forces are becoming increasingly dependent on current and reliable video data for the conduct of day-to-day operations. Our deployed forces are faced with many challenges to provide real-time situational awareness across their expansive areas of responsibility (AOR). Among the highest ISR requirements of our military services is the …

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DARPA IAMANET developed scalable and secure Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETS) to support an entire battalion

The modern battlespace is an irregular, against a tech-enabled enemy, and within urban environments and/or complex terrain. Traditional communications infrastructure like cell phone towers are centralized therefore vulnerable to single point failures such as physical damage to their central server, or compromised by a cyber-attack. During disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis …

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DARPA seeking new tools and techniques for Modeling, Analysis and Design of Complex, Adaptive and disaggregated Military and Civilian systems

DARPA in recent years has focused heavily on the need to disaggregate complex military systems and to evolve a portfolio of “system-of-systems” architectures to better manage national security applications and improve the survivability and mission success of military platforms. A core remaining challenge, however, has been the lack of sophisticated …

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DARPA’s Vacuum Electronics thrust for higher power at higher frequencies and for better protection from EMP Weapons

We now live in a Silicon Age; Solid-state electronics has replaced vacuum tubes in radios, computers and other electronic and radio frequency gadgetry.  Still vacuum electronic devices, have not become extinct, the magnetron that made radar possible in the first half of the 20th century is still employed in microwave …

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DARPA developing next generation of Ultra-stable and Super-precise portable Chip-Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC)

The ACES program aims to develop portable, battery‐powered atomic clocks with stability, repeatability, and environmental sensitivity approaching that of laboratory‐grade cesium beam frequency standards. “The history of human knowledge is reflected in our clock technology,” says Robert Lutwak, program manager for the agency’s Atomic Clocks with Enhanced Stability (ACES) project. …

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US patents Quantum Entanglement based techniques for detection of stealthy Russian and Chinese submarines even under arctic

The US Government has now tuned to Quantum sensors to detect stealthy Russian and Chinese submarines. Quantum sensors are measuring device that takes advantage of quantum correlations, such as states in a quantum superposition or entanglement, for better sensitivity and resolution than can be obtained by classical systems. Quantum sensors …

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Black phosphorous, the new wonder material for electronic, optoelectronic and thermoelectric devices.

Black phosphorous, named for its distinctive color, is a natural semiconductor with an energy bandgap, and highly promising material for electronic, optoelectronic and thermoelectric devices. Also called phosphorene as It belongs to class of two-dimensional crystals including graphene, boron nitride and molybdenum disulphide. A band gap is an energy band in …

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DARPA’s LORELEI for All language Real-time intelligence Analysis to support Disaster Relief and worldwide Military operations

U.S. Government operates globally and Understanding local languages is essential for effective situational awareness in military operations, and particularly in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts that require immediate and close coordination with local communities. “In Nigeria, foreign troops hunt Boko Haram terrorists through areas using as many as 44 …

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DARPA robotic landing gear enables Unmanned Robotic Helicopter, to land on the Rough

Despite their airborne maneuverability, helicopters, with their skid-or-wheel landing gear, still need a level surface to set down which are scarce in combat and rescue missions. Landing on an uneven surface could them to tip over or the rotor blades to come into contract with the ground resulting in disaster. …

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Completely Dark Materials Breakthroughs for Energy, Space Instrumentation and Military

A new material that absorbs 98 to 99 percent of light from all angles has been created by å team of scientists in Saudi Arabia. The King Abdulla University of Science and Technology researchers led by Andrea Fratalocchi developed this blacker than black technology in an effort to promote improved …

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