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New class of Electronics: Biodegradable, Transient, Self Destructing for Security and Biomedical applications

Consumer electronics constitute a rapidly increasing source of waste. Cell phones, tablets and the like are typically made of non-renewable, non-biodegradable, partly environmentally toxic materials. A report from United Nations University (UNU) found that the world produced 41.8 million metric tons of e-waste in 2014 – an amount that would …

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DARPA Assured Autonomy Seeks to guarantee Safety of Autonomous Systems that leverage capabilities of machine learning

DARPA has launched a new research program called Assured Autonomy that aims to advance the ways computing systems can learn and evolve to better manage variations in the environment and enhance the predictability of autonomous systems like driverless vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).   “Tremendous advances have been made …

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Automated AI based soft kill countermeasures including electronic attack and cyber weapons will protect Warships from future missile threats

Naval Warships now faces wide spectrum of threats from hypersonic missiles, ballistic and cruise missiles, cavitating torpedoes, rail guns, lasers and UAVs. Anti-Ship Missiles are guided missiles most of them of the sea skimming variety, and many use a combination of inertial guidance and active radar homing. A good number …

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Air Force to spend $950 million on Autonomous technologies Research to enable its Anti-access and area denial (A2/AD) missions

The Air Force is looking to increase the use of autonomous technology and has released a Broad Agency Announcement for industry participation, according to a July 7 agency notice. The objective of Science and Technology for Autonomous Teammates (STAT) program is to develop and demonstrate autonomy technologies that will enable …

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Brain-computer interfaces are employed for neuroprosthetics, and now in military and defense to control robotic soldiers or fly planes & UAVs with thoughts.

New era has arrived when people  use only their thoughts to control not only themselves, but the world around them. Every action our body performs begins with a thought, and with every thought comes an electrical signal. The electrical signals can be received by the Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), which can electroencephalograph …

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DARPA’s Dispersed Computing (DCOMP) aims to dynamically boosts computing power for real-time battlefield understanding

In military applications, particularly those oriented toward real-time battlefield understanding, synthesis of actionable information from diverse data sources in near real-time becomes an important requirement. In the current art, users with significant computing requirements have typically depended on access to large, highly shared data centers to which they backhaul their …

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DARPA NESD developing high bandwidth implantable neural interfaces for controlling machines with brain and mind control of soldiers

Neural interfaces currently approved for human use squeeze a tremendous amount of information through just 100 channels, with each channel aggregating signals from tens of thousands of neurons at a time. The result is noisy and imprecise.  DARPA announced NESD in January 2016 with aim to develop to  develop an implantable …

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DARPA’s 1000X efficient graph analytics processor enables real-time identification of cyber threats, and vastly improved situational awareness

Today large amounts of data is collected from numerous sources, such as social media, sensor feeds (e.g. cameras), and scientific data. There are over 1 billion websites on the world wide web today and the Annual global IP traffic will reach 3.3 ZB per year by 2021, or 278 exabytes …

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DARPA’s N-ZERO extends the lifetime of IoT devices and remote sensors from months to years

Today U.S. soldiers are being killed because the Defense Department cannot deploy all the sensors it would like to. DoD could  deploy sensors every few yards to detect  buried  improvised explosive device (IED). As it is, every sensor deployed today has to be battery powered, so even if vast sensor nets …

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New polarizer technologies can aid in detecting military targets from high altitude air and space platforms

Many types of sensors have been proposed for detection of small targets such as tanks and trucks including passive infrared imaging sensors and active Radars. Passive sensing systems, for many types of targets, especially airborne ones, use target motion as a cue for the target detection. However, for stationary small …

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