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Indian Army looks to tap renewables to supply power military installations and soldiers in high altitude areas such as Ladakh.

Ladakh accounts for more than two-thirds of the land area of the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir. As a high altitude cold desert, though, it hosts only about 5% of the state’s population. With the mercury dipping to minus 20 degrees Celsius or lower during winter nights, and about minus …

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New HF COMINT systems are being introduced to intercept communications of militaries, terrorists, illegal immigrants, pirates and illegal fishermen

All modern forces depend on unimpeded access to, and use of, the EM spectrum in conducting military operations. Therefore, there is a requirement to gain and maintain an advantage in the electromagnetic spectrum by countering adversary’s systems and protecting one’s own systems. Adversary can disrupt and degrade the navigation systems …

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Nanofluids for thermal management of Space and Nuclear systems, military vehicles and submarines, power electronics and directed-energy weapons

Because of higher density chips, the design of more compact electronic components makes heat dissipation even more difficult. All advanced electrical or electronic devices are facing heat management challenges due to the increased levels of heat generation and the reduction in the surface area for heat rejection or dissipation. So …

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Navies plan to use Intelligent Virtual Assistant (IVA) and Deep Machine Learning (DML) technologies to enhance situational awareness and battlespace decision making

Autonomous systems are increasingly critical to several current and future Department of Defense (DoD) mission needs. For example, the U.S. Army Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) strategy report for 2015-2040 identifies a range of capability objectives, including enhanced situational awareness, cognitive workload reduction, force protection, cyber defense, logistics, etc, that …

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New electronic components and materials for extreme environments like Hypersonic flight , Planetary exploration and Military Systems

“Electronics have dramatically changed the way we live, conduct business, communicate, and educate. Visions of the future foretell of ubiquitous computing and sensing. However, the environments in which electronics can reliably operate are limited. In consumer applications, typical operating temperatures range from -40° to 85°C. The “wider” military temperature range …

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New Materials for Warships include carbon and glass fibre, aluminium, syntactic foam, copper and graphene

To date, different types of carbon and alloy steels have proved to be the main materials of choice for naval ship construction around the world. While composites, titanium and aluminium alloys have been utilized for making hulls of smaller vessels such as patrol boats, these materials do not meet the …

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DARPA CommEx developed cognitive radio technologies that maintain communications even under severe jamming environment

Russia, has displayed jamming and spoofing capabilities in the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Syria in the last several years. The use of Russian technology in these conflicts demonstrated that Russia retains advanced electronic warfare capabilities.   Russia has deployed Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) and SIGINT aircraft, such as the Il-20, …

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DARPA’s M3IC developing critical magnetic components for future AESA based radars, communication and electronic warfare systems

Next-generation radar systems are critical to providing situational awareness of the entire networked battlefield. Active Electronically Steered Array (AESA) antennas have revolutionized the performance of modern radars, communication and electronic warfare systems by greatly reducing the maintenance costs and failure rates, enhancing scanning speed and accuracy, more resistant to interference …

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DARPA investing in breakthrough camera technologies like 4D camera, seeing around corners and digitally mapping the room for urban and unconventional warfare

Urban Warfare Operations are complicated by a three-dimensional environment, limited fields of view and fire because of buildings, enhanced concealment and cover for defenders, below-ground infrastructure, and the ease of placement of booby traps and snipers. DARPA  is  investing in many novel camera technologies . In the event of urban …

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US and UK Airforce deploying Next Generation Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) technology for rapid engagement of enemy aircraft, and reduce risk to friendly aircraft.

IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) is the military designation of the Air Traffic Control (ATC) System that is used to identify and track military aircraft. It enables military and civilian air traffic control interrogation systems to identify aircraft, vehicles or forces as friendly and to determine their bearing and range …

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