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Metamaterials based optical cloaks that promise invisible planes, vehicles and armies, and protection from earthquakes & tsunamis

“Invisibility” is a goal that has been long sought after by the  Militaries. An operational cloaking chip could be an extension of technologies such as radar-absorbing dark paint used on stealth aircraft, local optical camouflage, surface cooling to minimize electromagnetic IR emissions, or electromagnetic wave scattering. Metamaterials are the primary materials  …

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Army plans Laser Directed Energy Weapons to be deployed on Military trucks

Laser weapons use high power lasers to  damage or destroy adversary equipment, facilities, and personnel. The technology provides major advantages for military applications due to High precision and rapid on-target effect, precise and scalable effects, Avoidance of collateral damage caused by fragmenting ammunition, Low logistics overhead and minimum costs per …

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Military looking to 4D printing to develop weapons that assemble themselves, last longer and adapt to specific conditions on command.

3D printing or additive manufacturing is ongoing revolution in manufacturing with its potential to fabricate any complex object and is being utilized from printing small components to full drones on Naval vessels, printing replacement parts for fighter aircrafts to printing ammunitions, textiles, metals, human organs, clothing, buildings and even food. …

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DARPA’s Biostastis aims to enhance soldier survivability after battlespace injuries by slowing their biological clock

Biostasis is the ability of an organism to tolerate environmental changes without having to actively adapt to them. The word is also used as a synonym for cryostasis or cryonics. It is found in organisms that live in habitats that may encounter unfavourable living conditions (i.e. drought, freezing, a change …

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DARPA’s Ground Truth program will create war game for testing the validity of social science models

The social sciences can play important roles in assisting military planners and decision-makers who are trying to understand complex human social behaviors and systems, potentially facilitating a wide range of missions including humanitarian, stability, and counter-insurgency operations.   Current social science approaches to studying behavior rely on a variety of …

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DARPA MAA program aims to predict the terrorist threat of using weapons of mass terror (WMTs) through modeling and computational methods

DARPA launched the program Modeling Adversarial Activity (MAA) program with a goal  to develop mathematical and computational techniques for modeling adversarial activity for the purpose of producing high-confidence indications and warnings of efforts to acquire, fabricate, proliferate, and/or deploy weapons of mass terror (WMTs).   MAA assumes that an adversary’s …

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DARPA’s TEAC program developed phased-array sonar technology for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUW or UUV) to establish a network of distributed sonars for Anti Submarine Warfare

Sonars are one of the primary systems for detection and tracking of submarines in Anti Submarine warfare. However modern nuclear and diesel electric submarines have become very stealthy and quiet. Another challenge is diesel-electric submarines operating in littoral waters which generate high false alarm rates (FAR). One of the ways …

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DARPA’s TEE program developing skyrmion based high-density and energy-efficient magnetic information storage devices

In magnetic memories, information (for example, a collection of bits) is stored as clusters of spins, which are either an up or a down (or put differently, a one or a zero). These spin clusters, which form the basis of magnetic memories, become less stable when reduced in size. Magnetic …

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New technologies to prevent Biofouling that costs shipping industries billions of dollars a year

Biofouling is one of the main problems faced by every type of ship at the sea. Marine growth such as barnacles and mussels have been the reason for problems such as decreased ship efficiency, corrosion etc. Biofouling not only sticks to the external surface of the ships but also gets into …

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DARPA’s MDP program aims for fast materials development for military platforms in extreme environments

Military platforms—such as ships, aircraft and ground vehicles—rely on advanced materials to make them lighter, stronger and more resistant to stress, heat and other harsh environmental conditions. Currently, the process for developing new materials to field in platforms frequently takes more than a decade. This lengthy process often means that …

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