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Internet of Nano Things (IoNT) shall impact from Telecom & IT to homeland security to military

By 2025, it is predicted that there can be as many as 100 billion connected IoT devices or network of everyday objects as well as sensors that will be infused with intelligence and computing capability.  These devices shall comprise of personal devices such as smart watches, digital glasses and fitness …

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Navies exploring Biomimetics, Bio-inspired mechanisms to improve military underwater sensing, control and communications systems

“It was in the oceans that life first evolved and where complex animals have thrived for over 600 million years. Marine animals survive in environments as diverse as tropical coral reefs, polar ice-capped oceans, and the lightless abyssal depths,” says Frank E. Fish from West Chester University and Donna M. …

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Technology breakthroughs in GaN enabling large growth in Semiconductor devices market in Defence and Aerospace

GaN is a semiconductor material that can amplify high power radio frequency signals efficiently at microwave frequencies  to enhance  a system’s range. Therefore it has become the technology of choice for high-RF power applications that require the transmission of signals over long distances such as EW, radar, base stations and satellite communications. The advantages of GaN-based devices stems largely from the attractive intrinsic physical properties of the material. The material …

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Vulnerabilities in 3D printing could be exploited for Cyber-Physical attacks and Cyber Warfare

3D printing or additive manufacturing is ongoing revolution in manufacturing with its potential to fabricate any complex object and is being utilized from aerospace components to human organs, textiles, metals, buildings and even food. Additive manufacturing, is defined by ASTM International as the process of joining materials together, layer by …

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DARPA’s SMISC program to identify misinformation or deception campaigns on Social Media and conduct its own propaganda campaigns

The conditions under which our Armed Forces conduct operations are rapidly changing with the spread of blogs, social networking sites, and media‐sharing technology (such as YouTube), and further accelerated by the proliferation of mobile technology. Changes to the nature of conflict resulting from the use of social media are likely to …

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Neuro- or Biohybrid systems to synthesize fuels, and chemicals and act as sensors for military

Neuro- or Biohybrid systems are systems formed by at least one biological component – i.e. already existing in living systems – and at least one artificial – newly engineered – component. Biological and artificial components are not independent but are passing information either in one or both directions, thereby forming …

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Researchers developing efficient Vision Aided Navigation for UAV in GPS-Denied environments like building, underground or under the forest canopy

UAV navigation can be seen as a process that robots make a plan on how to safely and quickly reach the target location, which mostly relies on current environment and location. In order to successfully complete the scheduled mission, a UAV must be fully aware of its states, including location, …

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DARPA A-PhI to use photonic integrated circuits (PICs) for developing compact atomic clocks and gyroscopes in GPS denied environments

U.S. military researchers are asking industry to develop relatively simple portable photonic integrated circuits (PICs) for high-performance position, navigation, and timing (PNT) devices as an alternative to the Global Positioning System (GPS) for when GPS signals are not available.   Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) is a critical resource for …

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Claytronics envision millions of cooperating robot modules that could morph into different shapes to serve multiple purposes

Claytronics is an abstract concept that exists at the intersection of nanotechnology, computer science and robotics. It is concerned with the development of autonomous robots, the size of a few nanometres. These nano-robots, called Claytronic atoms or catoms, can interact with each other to form three dimensional, dynamic objects that …

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New programming languages for quantum computers that take full advantage of the computers’ capabilities

Quantum computing and quantum information processing are next revolutionary technology expected to have immense impact. Quantum information technologies, such as quantum computers, cryptography, radars, clocks, and other quantum systems, rely on the properties of quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of matter at the subatomic scale. For example, by taking advantage …

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