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Wideband High Frequency(HF) communications provide net-centric, high-speed beyond line of sight communications in Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) battlefield environments

Whether in the field of battle, search-and-rescue or humanitarian aid efforts, the ability to share real-time, networked information between ground, sea and airborne forces is rapidly becoming the defining factor in a mission’s success. However modern  satellite and other  communications systems in higher frequecies are under constant threat from adversaries …

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New Materials enabling Quantum repeaters and modems, a key technology for extremely secure large scale Quantum Internet

The first quantum revolution brought about semiconductor electronics, the laser and finally the internet. The coming, second quantum revolution promises spy-proof communication, extremely precise quantum sensors and quantum computers for previously unsolvable computing tasks.   Quantum secure communication relies on sharing of entangled states between parties. Over short distances (less …

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The increasing use of Synthetic Cannabinoids for recreational, and medicinal although Soldiers prohibited in use of Cannabinoid as it affects military readiness

The word cannabinoid refers to every chemical substance, regardless of structure or origin, that joins the cannabinoid receptors of the body and brain and that have similar effects to those produced by the Cannabis Sativa plant. Cannabinoids are compounds found in cannabis. Research has found that the cannabis plant produces …

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Metal Organic Framework(MOF) have electromagnetic applications from reducing EMI, enabling stealth platforms to supercapacitor for electromagnetic weapons

Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) are periodic crystalline one-, two-, or three-dimensional structures composed of two major components: a metal ion or cluster of metal ions and an organic molecule called a linker. For this reason, the materials are often referred to as hybrid organic–inorganic materials. They are a subclass of coordination …

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Breakthrough OLED and MicroLED Display technologies advancing to meet the need from commercial to military applications

Flat-panel display technology is exploding on several fronts as more screens are required for more devices.  In total, the worldwide display market is expected to grow from $150 billion in 2019 to $228 billion by 2028, according to Touch Display Research. Today, the display market is dominated by two technologies—liquid …

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Fire safety of High-rise buildings several unique challenges require new solutions and technologies

The World Trade Center events of September 11, 2001, focused the world’s attention on high-rise buildings. Since that time, there have been several other events that have kept the world’s attention on high-rise building fire safety, including fires in Madrid, Venezuela, and two in Chicago. The two deadliest high-rise fires …

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Countries plan mitigating high-risks of AI technology by strict regulation and trustworthy and explainable AI development

The  first wave of AI was rule-based and “second wave” was based on statistical-learning.  Machine learning (ML) methods have demonstrated outstanding recent progress and, as a result, artificial intelligence (AI) systems can now be found in myriad applications, including autonomous vehicles, industrial applications, search engines, computer gaming, health record automation, …

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Future Software intensive and software defined military systems need new policies and technologies to field, maintain, update and upgrade software

Software is everywhere and is in almost everything that the Department operates and uses. Software drives our weapon systems; command, control, and communications systems; intelligence systems; logistics; and infrastructure, and it drives much of the backroom enterprise processes that make the Department function. If cyber is the new domain in …

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Future Smart Soliders require Man-portable military electronic systems

The vision for the future soldier is to be combat effective and also highly mobile, adaptive, networked, sustainable with total battle space situation awareness and information assurance. Therefore, he is equipped with night- vision goggles, radios, smartphones, GPS, infrared sights, a laptop as well as batteries to power them.   …

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DARPA CONCERTO developing single reconfigurable UAV payload for communications, radar and electronic warfare functions to enhance UAS adaptability and mission efficiency

Unmanned Aerial Systems are gaining more importance every single day. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are used for both defensive and offensive purposes. Different sizes and capabilities of UAS support a variety of different applications. Improved networking capabilities have enlarged the boundaries of UAS operations. Nations are working on more complex and …

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