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Millimeter wave (mmWave) power amplifiers enable mmWave Radios for 5G and Satellite Communications

Millimeter waves are electromagnetic signals with frequencies ranging from 30 to 300 GHz that correspond to wavelengths of 10 to 1 mm in the free space. Electromagnetic waves in the millimeter-wave band  (with frequencies between 30 and 300 GHz, or wavelengths between 10 and 1.0 mm) have attractive characteristics. One of …

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Millimeter wave tests, and measurements for emerging 5G cellular communications, Ka band Satellite communications, military and automotive radar

Millimeter waves are electromagnetic signals with frequencies ranging from 30 to 300 GHz that correspond to wavelengths of 10 to 1 mm in the free space. Electromagnetic waves in the millimeter-wave band  (with frequencies between 30 and 300 GHz, or wavelengths between 10 and 1.0 mm) have attractive characteristics. One of …

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DARPA’s SAHARA to automate Structured ASICs production and enhance their security for defense electronic systems

Time to market demand has forced integrated circuit design, manufacturing and testing to be done at different places across globe. This approach has led to numerous security concerns like overbuilding of chips from foundries, IP protection, counterfeiting and hardware Trojans. Hardware Trojans (HT), which are malicious circuit inclusions into the …

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DARPA RNDMC program developing Distributed Beamforming Antennas across air, ground, and sea assets, to provide long range tactical communication robust against failure or attack

DARPA, is proposing a new Mosaic Warfare strategy for evolving multidomain battlefield. Dr. Timothy Grayson, Director of the Strategic Technology Office is advocating for a “system of systems” approach that he’s calling mosaic warfare: the ability to piece together different systems to build new overarching warfighting capabilities.  DARPA’s Strategic Technology …

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Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging can be transformative in medicine, robotics, manufacturing, and security

We see things because our eyes are sophisticated light detectors: they constantly capture the light rays bouncing off nearby objects so our brain can construct an ever-changing impression of the world around us. Similarly in  a camera, All the light traveling from the object enters a single lens before it …

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Twisted light can provide 100-times faster fiber capacity and secure wireless data transmission to moving platforms like UAVs

Broadband fiber-optics carry information on pulses of light, at the speed of light, through optical fibers. But the way the light is encoded at one end and processed at the other affects data speeds. Basically, light or any other electromagnetic radiation has energy defined by its frequency and momentum defined by …

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Twisted light technology

Space-division multiplexing (SDM) has recently attracted great attention as a promising technology to further improve the transmission capacity and spectral efficiency. Very recently, SDM employing twisted lights, also known as orbital angular momentum (OAM) carrying lights, provides an alternative approach to increasing the transmission capacity and spectral efficiency of optical communications. …

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DARPA Toolbox Initiative to Accelerate Technology Innovation by providing performers easy, low-cost, scalable access to state-of-the-art tools and intellectual property (IP)

As the world continues to change and advance at a rapid pace, the need for continuous innovation has never been greater. DARPA’s open innovation model leverages the expertise and novel ideation found in large and small businesses, government organizations, and academic institutions. However, resource constraints across these organizations can limit …

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China establishing control over supply of critical materials of Renewable Energy and shall dictate future global energy geopolitics

The current global energy system is both unsustainable and inequitable, and large changes are required quite rapidly if there is to be any chance of limiting the effects of global warming. The global community has agreed on sustainable development goals attempting to integrate and balance the three dimensions of economic, …

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DARPA NOW developing manufacturing platform that synthesizes any nucleic-acid based medical countermeasures for pandemic military stabilization operations

“Between 2011 and 2018, WHO tracked 1483 epidemic events in 172 countries. Epidemic-prone diseases such as influenza, severe acute respirator syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), Ebola, Zika, plague, yellow fever and others are harbingers of a new era of high-impact, potentially fast-spreading outbreaks that are more frequently detected …

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