The emerging battlefield is a multi-domain battlefield which shall include all the traditional domains of land, air and sea as well as Cyber, Space, Low Intensity conflicts, Information warfare including Psychological warfare and cognitive warfare shall be exploited by our adversaries simultaneously or in any desired combinations. DARPA has …
Read More »Project Maven accelerated weaponizing Artificial Intelligence for the US military, was it used to kill Iran’s nuclear scientist
DoD collects loads of data from satellites, drones and Internet-of-things devices. But it needs help making sense of the intelligence and analyzing it quickly enough so it can be used in combat operations. But, the sheer volume of video content produced makes identifying, assembling and delivering actionable intelligence — from …
Read More »US Navy thrust on preventative maintenance & prognostics-based approach to increase operational availability or mission success of Naval fleet or battlegroup
One of the major objectives of the military is to achieve high reliability and operational availability of their assets. Significant operational benefits are to be gained by employing highly reliable military assets. The major reasons why achieving high reliability is so important are: (1) maintaining weapons systems consumes a significant …
Read More »DARPA RIDE to employ Automation and artificial intelligence to discover new Energetic materials and munitions are used across DoD
Energetic materials and munitions are used across DoD in mission critical applications such as rockets, missiles, ammunition, and pyrotechnic devices. In these applications, energetic materials and munitions must perform as designed to ensure success in both training and combat operations. Every time a gun fires, lead leaches into the air. …
Read More »DSO, called as DARPA’s DARPA identifies and pursues high-risk, high-payoff research initiatives to help U.S. win important technology races in hypersonics, space, autonomy, energetics, and stabilization.
DARPA’s Defense Sciences Office (DSO) identifies and pursues high-risk, high-payoff research initiatives across a broad spectrum of science and engineering disciplines and transforms them into important, new game-changing technologies for U.S. national security. Current DSO themes include frontiers in math, computation and design, limits of sensing and sensors, complex social …
Read More »Hollow-core optical fibers enable secure communications in data centers, accurate sensing gyro for Aerospace applications
Conventional optical fibers are fabulously successful, but they have profound limitations. They contain a glass core at the center of the fiber through which light is transmitted. However, not only does this glass center limit the speed of the light as it passes through, but it also adversely affects other …
Read More »DARPA N3 developed Nonsurgical Brain Machine Interfaces for soldiers to use their thoughts alone to control multiple unmanned vehicles or a bomb disposal robot on battlefield
The brain-computer interface (BCI) allows people to use their thoughts to control not only themselves, but the world around them. BCI enables a bidirectional communication between a brain and an external device, bidirectional generally includes direct neural readout and feedback and direct neural write-in. Over the past two decades, …
Read More »Rising importance of Non- Acoustic detection technologies of Stealthy submarines in Anti Submarine Warfare
Ship detection for offshore production operations, military activities, transportation and other marine applications is very important. Submarine is one of the most important weapon in modern wars. strategic submarines seem to be key to strategic stability, providing what is generally believed to be the most survivable nuclear second-strike force. Anti-submarine …
Read More »DARPA A-Teams, CAML & ADAPT programs developing efficient Agile Human-Machine Teams to execute battlefield, cyber and electronic warfare missions
The prime aim of US third offset strategy, announced in November 2014, was to develop effective strateges against multiple potential competitors, from small regional states like North Korea and Iran, to large advanced states like Russia and China, to non-state adversaries and actors with advanced capabilities. In response to third …
Read More »Indian Ocean maritime security threats and Indian Navy’s Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) technology requirements and solutions
Indian Ocean has always been vulnerable to criminals and anti-national activities. The Indian Ocean is an area of conflict. According to a recent analysis of global conflicts by the Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research, altogether 42% of world conflicts can be associated with Indian Ocean countries. Numerous cases of the …
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