All Aircrafts depend on propulsion system is to produce thrust so as to lift the object for a prolonged period of time by consuming different fuels. Presently jet engines are the workhorses of airplanes carrying millions of people, trillions of miles every year, at supersonic speed and with high safety; …
Read More »Electronic connectors becoming high-speed, compact and thinner, high frequency and high power connectors.
An electronic connector is an electro-mechanical device whose purpose is to quickly and easily disconnect or interrupt a circuit path or electrical circuits . Most electrical connectors have a gender – i.e. the male component, called a plug, connects to the female component, or socket. The connection may be removable …
Read More »Cyber Warfare threat driving Defense Cyber Security market and new security technologies
In 2019, 1,473 data breaches in the U.S. led to the exposure of 164,683,455 confidential records, as per the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC). Additionally, in May 2020 alone, 841,529 records were exposed in 108 data breach incidents. The records ranged from people’s financial and medical information to strongly protected …
Read More »New Space or Space 2.0 global Race
The first space age is considered to be started in 1957. The 20th-century space race between the USA and the USSR was primarily a military technological competition. Each strove to be the first to launch satellites or land on the Moon, while the rest of the world looked on. In …
Read More »Quantum-literate workforce development will be key factor in winning Global Quantum race
Quantum technology (QT) applies quantum mechanical properties such as quantum entanglement, quantum superposition, and No-cloning theorem to quantum systems such as atoms, ions, electrons, photons, or molecules. The exciting possibilities in the field of new quantum technologies extend from quantum computing to precision timing, gravity sensors and imagers, cryptography, navigation, …
Read More »Artificial Intelligence is transforming health sector and healthcare operations including Deep Medicine
Artificial Intelligence technologies aim to develop computers, or robots that match or exceed the abilities of human intelligence in tasks such as learning and adaptation, reasoning and planning, decision making and autonomy; creativity; extracting knowledge and making predictions from data. Within AI is a large subfield called machine learning …
Read More »DARPA OpFires testing ground-based intermediate-range Hypersonic boost-glide Weapon for US Army
The 2018 National Defense Strategy requires that the DOD provide combat-credible military forces to deter war and protect the security of the nation. Specifically, the Joint Force must be able to strike diverse targets inside adversary air and missile defense networks to destroy mobile power-projection platforms and time-sensitive high-value targets. …
Read More »Turkey emerging as major Military Power and Arms-Industry Powerhouse
Turkey has been playing a crucial role in recent wars. Turkey’s low-cost drones helped alter the balance of power in Ukraine’s battle against the Russian invasion and are transforming conflicts around the world. The Bayraktar TB2—a type of Turkish drone that the Ukrainian military has increasingly deployed against Russian forces …
Read More »India semiconductor industry overcoming challenges to become key player in global supply chains
Semiconductors are materials that have a conductivity between conductors and insulators. They can be pure elements, silicon or germanium or compounds; gallium, arsenide or cadmium selenide. Semiconductor Chips are the basic building blocks that serve as the heart and brain of all modern electronics and information and communications technology products. …
Read More »Large Global semiconductor market growth driven by consumer electronics, cloud computing, internet-connected devices (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence
The semiconductor industry is the aggregate of companies engaged in the design and fabrication of semiconductors and semiconductor devices, such as transistors and integrated circuits. The semiconductor industry is in turn the driving force behind the wider electronics industry. The amazing development of electronics in the past decades, from early …
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