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Military Robots growth

A robot, is any automatically operated machine that replaces human effort, though it may not resemble human beings in appearance or perform functions in a humanlike manner. A robot is a machine—especially one programmable by a computer—capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically. A robot can be …

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Technical risk management

All organizations face uncertainty. The effect this uncertainty has on an organization’s objectives is referred to as “risk.” The challenge for management is to determine how much uncertainty or risk to accept and how to manage it to an acceptable level.   Risk management includes the strategies, processes, systems, and …

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Nanosatellite and Microsatellite Market growth and trends

Nanosatellite and microsatellite refer to miniaturized satellites in terms of size and weight, in the range of 1-10 Kg and 10-100 kg, respectively. ‘CubeSat’ is one of the most popular types of miniaturized satellites. These are the fastest growing segments in the satellite industry. One of the major advantages of nano …

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D-Wave’s 5000 qubit Analog quantum processor handles 1 million variables for large-scale, business-critical problems, now plans gate-based quantum computing

D-Wave is the only company selling  large quantum computers. It sold its first system in 2011 . The earlier  D-Wave 2X™ quantum computing system featured a 1000+ qubit quantum processor and numerous design improvements that resulted  in larger problem sizes, faster performance and higher precision. “Breaking the 1000 qubit barrier marks the …

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Global Fiber Optic Cable Market

Fiber optics, or optical fibers, are long, thin strands of carefully drawn glass about the diameter of a human hair. These strands are arranged in bundles called optical cables. We rely on them to transmit light signals over long distances.   Optical fibers typically include a glass structure called core …

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Growing Cyber threat on supply chains and Defense Industrial Base (DIB) require Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM)

In its simplest form a supply chain is the activities required by the organisation to deliver goods or services to the consumer. A supply chain can take on the form of a product based supply chain or that of a service, where services come together to offer an overall customer …

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Electronic Components Market

An electronic components is a physical entity in an electronic device that is used to affect the electronic field. Electronic components are categorized into two types i.e. active components and passive components. Active electronic components are used to produce energy in the form of voltage, whereas passive electronic components are used …

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DoD Rapid Assured Microelectronics Prototypes (RAMP)

In Oct 2020,  the Department of Defense announced it has awarded over $197 million to advance microelectronics technology and strengthen the American microelectronics industrial base. This critical industry will underpin the development of other Department of Defense technology priorities such as artificial intelligence, 5G communications, quantum computing, and autonomous vehicles. …

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DARPA call for innovative mission system concepts and Breakthrough Technologies for peer adversaries

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Strategic Technology Office (STO) DARPA has released a broad agency announcement (BAA) in Nov 2021 on a funding opportunity for research and development of mission system concepts to help the U.S. military address the challenges of peer competition.   For decades, the United …

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Artificial-Intelligence Race among Countries to strengthen economy, solve societal challenge and transform industries

Artificial intelligence (AI) term was coined by John McCarthy, defined it as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines”. The field was founded on the claim that a central property of humans, intelligence can be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it. The general …

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