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Achieving Precision: Calibration and Control of Photonic Integrated Circuits

Introduction In the world of photonics, where light-based technologies are rapidly advancing, Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) have emerged as a cornerstone of numerous applications. These compact and efficient devices integrate various optical components onto a single chip, enabling functionalities such as optical communication, sensing, and signal processing. However, to harness …

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Unleashing the Power of Nanosensors: Transforming Healthcare, Electronics, Manufacturing, Aerospace, and Defense

Introduction: In the vast realm of nanotechnology, nanosensors are emerging as a powerful tool with the potential to revolutionize various industries. These miniature sensors, often smaller than a human hair, are poised to transform healthcare, electronics, manufacturing, aerospace, and defense sectors. By enabling precise and real-time monitoring of critical parameters, …

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Robots Take Over: The Accelerating Growth of Robotics in Industry 4.0

Automation has become essential in many fields of industries. It allows processes to function with increased efficiency and productivity. Industrial automation is a field that deals with the automation of industrial processes and machinery to reinforce manufacturing, material handling, and quality control processes.   Demand for automation is driven by …

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Revolutionizing Genetic Engineering: How the Synthetic Biology Workstation Automates the Design-Build-Test Process

Introduction: Biotechnology is the technology that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for commercial application or benefit to humanity. Operators in the Global Biotechnology industry primarily use living organisms or molecular and cellular techniques to develop products that are used in …

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Defense Acquisition moving towards “as-a-service” model

The rising cost of new weapons systems has long been a concern for the Department of Defense (DoD). And, as DoD seeks to transform itself for the 21st century, it can anticipate an extended period of downward budgetary pressure. Moreover, growing costs will require difficult choices for DoD just to …

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Quantum Technologies enter mainstream commercial applications, Large market growth predicted

Although universal fault-tolerant quantum computers – with millions of physical quantum bits (or qubits) – maybe a decade or two away, quantum computing research continues apace. It has been hypothesized that quantum computers will one day revolutionize information processing across a host of military and civilian applications from pharmaceuticals discovery, …

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Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Industry trends and market

According to the statistics by the World Bank, the population aged 65 and above as a share of the total population around the globe touched 9.318% in the year 2020, up from 6.874% in the year 2000. Moreover, according to the statistical report titled “World Population Ageing 2019” published by …

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Biofuels Maket to satisfy growing demand of energy and environment-friendly fuels

World economic growth will lead to strong energy demands and consumption.  U.S. Energy Information Administration’s latest International Energy Outlook 2017 (IEO2017) projects that world energy consumption will grow by 28% between 2015 and 2040. Most of this growth is expected to come from countries that are not in the Organization …

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Graphical Processing units (GPUs) responsible for success of Deep Neural networks (DNN) in Aerospace and Defense

Deep Neural networks (DNN) or large virtual networks of simple information-processing units, which are loosely modeled on the anatomy of the human brain have been responsible for many exciting advances in artificial intelligence in recent years. The deep learning (DL) algorithms allow high-level abstraction from the data, and this is helpful for …

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Space tourism for Leisure and Buisness

Space tourism is human space travel for recreational purposes.  There are several different types of space tourism, including orbital, suborbital, and lunar space tourism. Space Tourism Market lets travelers travel in and across the Earth’s orbit for leisure, recreation, or significant business purposes. In addition, it will probably make travel …

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