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Countries developing Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) to transform Naval Anti-air Warfare with enhanced throughput, scalability and Interoperability

Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) is a sensor network with integrated fire control capability that is intended to significantly improve battle force air and missile defense capabilities by combining data from multiple battle force air search sensors on CEC-equipped units into a single, real-time, composite track picture (network-centric warfare). This will …

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China deploying Ocean of things, through distributed network Maritime Surveillance Platforms in South China Sea

China has carried out militarization of Spratly Islands and other islands in South china sea by building military bases on them along with giant runways, ports, bunkers, and sensor arrays. Several islands were constructed with airstrips and harbors capable of accepting military aircraft and warships.  China has also deployed anti-ship …

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Countries launch AWACS to detect stealthy targets and perform multi roles such as search & rescue, border surveillance and Battle Management

Situational awareness of potential hostile targets and of friendly forces is considered to be a key component in obtaining and sustaining military superiority over adversaries.  Airborne Early warning and control (AWACS) aircraft provides a real-time picture of friendly, neutral, and hostile air and maritime activity under all kinds of weather …

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NATO planning advanced submarine sensing and hunting technologies for Russian ultra quiet submarines

Russia is seeking to further bolster its sub-surface capabilities, with new generations of conventional and nuclear propulsion submarines, which promise to be significantly more difficult to detect and track for western naval forces. This includes the Yasen, Lada, Borei and Kalina classes of submarines. Russia’s United Shipbuilding Corporation (UAC) has announced …

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The Israel Defense Forces , the first army in the world to operationally deploy robots (UGVs), also becoming their big exporter

Israel is a high-tech superpower and one of the world’s top weapons exporters with approximately $6.5 billion in annual arms sales. Since 1985, for example, Israel is the world’s largest exporter of drones, responsible for about 60 percent of the global market, trailed by the US, whose market share is under …

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Militaries race for Psychological warfare dominance, from Russia’s Gerasimov doctrine to China’s three Warfares to DARPA’s mind control

Psychological warfare involves the planned use of propaganda and other psychological operations to influence the opinions, emotions, motives, reasoning,  attitudes, and behavior of opposition groups. Psychological warfare consists of attempts to make your enemy lose confidence, give up hope, or feel afraid, so that you can win. It is used …

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Countries developing long range Artillery systems to penetrate anti-access/area denial networks, US Army plans Strategic Long-Range Cannon

During the first half of the twentieth century, armies grew enamored with the concept of “super guns”—huge artillery systems able to bombard cities up dozens of miles behind the frontline. During World War I, Imperial Germany deployed the infamous Paris Gun, which could launch huge 211-millimeter shells to bombard the …

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Countries launch antitank autonomous UGVs, intensifying robotic warfare

Since the creation of the main battle tank during World War I, there has been a constant arms race between the development of anti-tank weapons and vehicle protection systems, however “Weapons’ ability to penetrate armor, however, has advanced faster than armor’s ability to withstand penetration”.   One of the technology …

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China’s Missile Arsenal of hypersonic, long range land-attack, air to air , and carrier killer missiles has propelled China as a major military power

“The greatest military threat to U.S. vital interests in Asia may be one that has received somewhat less attention: the growing capability of China’s missile forces to threaten U.S. bases in the region,” write Thomas Shugart and Javier Gonzalez in a report released last month by the Center for a …

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Reemergence of Underground Warfare, hard and deeply buried targets (HDBTs) Vs Earth-Penetrating weapons (EPW)

Military studies have shown that adversaries have shifted to the use of underground bunkers to protect against the U.S. military’s precision strike capabilities that combine satellite navigation with guided missiles and bombs. To counter American precision strikes, China, Russia, North Korean, and Iran began burying facilities and hardening them with …

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