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Rajesh Uppal

US Army’s IT modernization strategy includes software-defined networking and “self-healing” networks

The Network enables the mission command warfighting function – allowing leaders to understand, visualize, describe, direct, lead and assess to accomplish Unified Land Operations. US Army vision is for “A network that is secure, integrated, standards-based, which ensures uninterrupted global access and enables collaboration and decisive action throughout all operational phases …

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DoD’s High Performance Computing Modernization Program to accelerate the development and acquisition of advanced military capabilites

Earlier in the year 2018,  Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) announced that it had been awarded a large $57m contract from the US Department of Defense (DoD) to provide supercomputers. As supercomputing has become an ever bigger part of the toolset of the department’s scientists and engineers innovating around the most …

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Atomic clusters could lead to new materials from the bottom-up with unique and tailored properties.

Atomic clusters, consisting of a few to a few thousand atoms, have emerged over the past 40 years as the ultimate nanoparticles, whose structure and properties can be controlled one atom at a time. More importantly, the possibility of creating a new class of materials, composed of clusters instead of …

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New Mine countermeasure technologies  to detect and neutralize stealthy, smart and lethal sea mines

More than thirty countries produce mines, and twenty countries export them. Iran has reportedly laid several thousand naval mines, North Korea’s 50,000, China 100,000 or so, and Russia estimated quarter-million. Since World War II, sea mines have damaged or sunk four times more U.S. Navy ships than all other means …

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U.S. Army developing smart munitions for future weapons like rail gun that can chase a Tank or a Fighter Jet

Gun-launched guided munitions are of tremendous interest to the U.S. Army. These technologies offer more accuracy, extended range through glide, more favorable terminal approach for lethality, and the ability to engage advanced threats like partially hidden (defilade) and moving ground and air targets. Current gun-launched guided munition technologies are limited to indirect …

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Next Generation AI and Robots can reproduce and Replicate themselves

Artificial intelligence expert George Zarkadakis believes robots could have sex with each other to evolve and produce superior offspring and this scary new world could be closer than we might imagine. He predicts that humans could even breed with machines to create new hybrid species. Mr Zarkadakis said robots that …

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China develops chip that allows for two-dimensional Quantum walks, have exponential superiority in quantum searching and quantum simulation applications

Quantum walks are the quantum version of classical random walks, which are a mathematical means for describing a natural random walk, e.g., simply wandering around randomly.   In a “classical random walk”, you could imagine someone starting at the centre of a city, and making a random decision at each …

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DARPA develops Testbed to test space warfare strategies integrated with air, cyber, land, and maritime domains

As the space domain has become more congested and militarized  the potential for intentional and unintentional threats to space system assets has increased. To mitigate these threats, the Department of Defense (DOD) has undertaken a variety of initiatives to enhance its network of sensors and systems to provide space situational awareness …

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DARPA’s APT to transform genetic modified plants into military sensors of chemical, biological, radiological, and electromagnetic signals.

DARPA has launched a new surveillance program which plans to use genetically engineered plant as battlefield surveillance sensors. DARPA’s new Advanced Plant Technologies (APT) program looks to seemingly simple plants as the next generation of intelligence gatherers. Traditional sensors are not always optimal for  obtaining timely, accurate information as national security …

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US and China to deploy quantum ghost imaging sensors on battlefield and satellites for stealth plane tracking

China is developing a new type of spy satellite using ghost imaging technology which could spot stealth aircraft and see through smokescreens and camouflage.   Ron Meyers, quantum physicist at the Army Research Laboratory. Meyers explained ghost imaging, a technique that allows a high resolution camera to produce an image …

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