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Rajesh Uppal

US and China tested X-ray pulsar-based navigation and timing (XNAV) on spacecrafts for autonomous and secure space missions

Pulsars are highly magnetized, rotating neutron stars that emit electromagnetic radiation at regular intervals. They radiate energy across a broad range of frequencies, but they are most visible in their X-ray beams. Pulsars emit powerful beams in opposite directions as they spin. These beams are observable only when they’re pointed toward …

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Chaos Engineering tests large complex Cloud based systems by injecting extreme, and turbulent conditions with goal to build more resilient systems

Advances in large-scale, distributed software systems are changing the game for software engineering.  Now organizations of all sizes are leveraging the power of the cloud by hosting their data, applications, and services in shared data centers.   Despite their extraordinary uptime, services from AWS and Azure can—and do—fail. Data centers …

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Rapid global expansion of Life Sciences, Biotech and health care industry is creating new risks

In general, biotechnology is the utilization of biological procedures for industrial and other purposes, specifically, the genetic management and the manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotic drugs, hormones, and medical devices.   The life sciences and healthcare industry as the name suggests is an amalgamation of industries like …

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DARPA Media forensics to detect fake photos and videos on social media to support National Security

In recent years consumer imaging technology (digital cameras, mobile phones, etc.) has become ubiquitous, allowing people the world over to take and share images and video instantaneously. Mirroring this rise in digital imagery is the associated ability for even relatively unskilled users to manipulate and distort the message of the …

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Militaries fielding portable Manpack electronic warfare systems to gather intelligence and as offensive electronic attack system

Electronic warfare (EW) is any action involving the use of the electromagnetic spectrum or directed energy to control the spectrum, attack of an enemy, or impede enemy assaults via the spectrum. The purpose of electronic warfare is to deny the opponent the advantage of, and ensure friendly unimpeded access to, …

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Hyperscale computing increasingly adopted by companies and militaries for Big Data and artificial intelligence applications

Living in an ever-evolving digital era, where data traffic continues to grow by leaps and bounds, organizations across the globe are currently challenged to store, manage and retrieve this massively growing amount of data. To seamlessly respond and cater to this escalating business need, companies are increasingly turning to hyperscale …

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U.S. Israel bilateral relations and Defense collaboration is strong and rising inspite of military concerns

The United States and Israel have maintained strong bilateral relations based on a number of factors, including robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historical ties dating from U.S. support for the creation of …

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The future of commercial and military aviation is true autonomous flight

Modern commercial airliners have automated systems that can augment or even replace pilots’ performance, managing engine power, controlling and navigating the aircraft, and in some cases even completing landings. One of the goal of future aviation is fully autonomous flight. A fully autonomous aircraft would not require a pilot; it …

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Nanotechnology revolutionizing thermal management solutions in electronics

As computer processors have continued to shrink down to sizes where billions of transistors are on single chip, heat has increasingly become a bigger factor in their performance. If those CPUs did not get as hot in the first place, then much less energy would be needed to keep them …

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Innovative future Aircraft concepts and technologies for improved safety, aerodynamics, fuel efficiency, noise and emission control

Aviation Industry and Academia aredeveloping Innovative concepts and technologies for future commercial Aircrafts. The aircraft industry is expecting a seven-fold increase in air traffic by 2050, and a four-fold increase in greenhouse gas emissions unless fundamental changes are made. Biofuel offers carbon emissions reductions of between 36-85%, with the variability …

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