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Revolutionizing the Diamond Industry with Synthetic Diamond Manufacturing

Diamonds have always been a symbol of luxury, prestige, and elegance. For centuries, natural diamonds were the only option available for those who desired the beauty and brilliance of these precious stones.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in synthetic diamonds. Synthetic diamonds are created in a laboratory, and they have the same chemical and physical properties as natural diamonds. However, synthetic diamonds are much more affordable than natural diamonds, and they can be made to order in any size, shape, or color.

The diamond industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that has been around for centuries. Diamonds are prized for their beauty, rarity, and durability. However, the traditional method of mining diamonds can be harmful to the environment and can also be dangerous for workers.

The rise of synthetic diamonds is having a major impact on the diamond industry. Many jewelry retailers are now selling synthetic diamonds, and some consumers are even preferring synthetic diamonds over natural diamonds. This is because synthetic diamonds are more affordable, more environmentally friendly, and they can be made to order.

Naturally-formed diamonds and synthetic diamonds have astonishing properties that lead to their wide applications. Its molecular structure, with strong covalent bonds, results in greater hardness than all other materials, ideal for cutters used in oil and gas drilling, where it enables longer tool lifetime by minimizing wear, reduces downtime and drives down operating costs and carbon footprints.


Synthetic diamonds are widely used in end-user industries such as mining and construction, electronics, and healthcare. They are also used as gem in jewelry. Because synthesis is an expensive process, large stones of gem quality are rarely made. Instead, most synthetic diamond is produced as grit or small crystals that are used to provide hard coatings for industrial equipment such as grinding wheels, machine tools, wire-drawing dies, quarrying saws, and mining drills. In addition, diamond films can be grown on various materials by subjecting carbon-containing gas to extreme heat, and those layers can be used in cutting tools, windows for optical devices, or substrates for semiconductors. Synthetic diamond is also emerging as most versatile super material for defence that shall have significant effect in a variety of applications as diverse as high power radars, communications and electronic warfare systems, Directed Energy Weapons, MEMS applications, Aerospace applications and Quantum science among many others.


In 1880 the Scottish chemist James Ballantyne Hannay claimed that he had made diamonds by heating a mixture of paraffin, bone oil, and lithium to red heat in sealed wrought-iron tubes. In 1893 the French chemist Henri Moissan announced he had been successful in making diamonds by placing a crucible containing pure carbon and iron in an electric furnace and subjecting the very hot (about 4,000 °C [7,000 °F]) mixture to great pressure by sudden cooling in a water bath. Neither of those experiments has been repeated successfully.


During the first half of the 20th century, the American physicist Percy Williams Bridgman conducted extensive studies of materials subjected to high pressures. His work led to the synthesis by the General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York, of diamonds in its laboratory in 1955. The stones were made by subjecting graphite to pressures approaching 7 gigapascals (1 million pounds per square inch) and to temperatures above 1,700 °C (3,100 °F) in the presence of a metal catalyst. Tons of diamonds of industrial quality have been made in variations of that process every year since 1960.

For deeper understanding about Synthetic Diamonds and applications please visit: The Sparkling Revolution: A Journey into Synthetic Diamonds

Synthetic Diamond Manufacturing

Synthetic diamonds or Lab created diamonds are those that are produced in an unnatural way emulating the conditions in which natural diamonds are created. Synthetic diamond, a man-made diamond that is usually produced by subjecting graphite to very high temperatures and pressures. These diamonds are chemically identical to natural diamonds (carbon) consisting of actual carbon atoms making them diamonds and also possess characteristics similar to natural diamonds.  Synthetic diamond resembles natural diamond in most fundamental properties, retaining the extreme hardness, broad transparency (when pure), high thermal conductivity, and high electrical resistivity for which diamond is highly prized.

There are several diamond manufacturing processes used to create diamonds, both natural and synthetic. Most synthetic diamonds are typically created one of two ways. Either by a high-pressure, high-temperature process (HPHT) or a chemical vapor deposition (CVD).In both ways these diamonds are near identical to natural diamonds.

Natural Diamond Mining: The natural diamond manufacturing process involves mining diamonds from the earth. This process involves extracting diamonds from deep within the earth’s crust and then cutting and polishing them into the desired shape and size. This process is expensive and time-consuming, and it is not always possible to find high-quality diamonds.

High-Pressure High-Temperature (HPHT) Process: The HPHT process is the most commonly used method for creating synthetic diamonds. This process involves subjecting a small piece of diamond seed to high pressure and high temperature in the presence of a metal catalyst, such as iron or nickel. The seed is placed in a small capsule containing carbon and the metal catalyst, which is then subjected to temperatures of around 1,500 degrees Celsius and pressures of around 5 GPa. This causes the carbon to crystallize into a diamond around the seed, resulting in a larger diamond crystal.

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Process: The CVD process involves the use of a diamond seed that is placed in a vacuum chamber with a hydrocarbon gas.

CVD process produces diamond from a heated mixture of a hydrocarbon gas (typically methane) and hydrogen in a vacuum chamber at very low pressures. Under normal circumstances, heating this mixture at such low pressures would produce graphite or some other non-diamond form of carbon.

But in a CVD growth chamber, some of the hydrogen is converted to atomic hydrogen, which promotes diamond formation since diamond is more stable in this environment. The conversion of molecular hydrogen to atomic hydrogen is accomplished through methods such as the application of microwave energy, an electric discharge, or hot filaments.

The gas is ionized, and the carbon atoms are deposited onto the seed, resulting in a diamond crystal. The process is repeated several times to grow the diamond crystal to the desired size. The CVD process can produce high-quality diamonds with excellent color and clarity.

Ultrasound Cavitation Assisted Growth (UCAG) Process: The UCAG process is a new diamond manufacturing process that uses ultrasound to create a diamond. This process involves placing a diamond seed in a solution of carbon and subjecting it to ultrasound waves. The waves create high-pressure bubbles that cause the carbon atoms to crystallize around the seed, resulting in a larger diamond crystal.


High-pressure, high-temperature diamonds, or HPHT diamonds, are diamonds created under pressure of 5 GPa at more than 1500 degrees Celsius, and are typically made using less desirable stones as seeds. The properties of synthetic diamond depend on the manufacturing process used, with chemical vapor deposition (CVD) resulting in superior properties compared to naturally-formed diamonds.


Researchers Find New Phase of Carbon, Make Diamond at Room Temperature

Researchers from North Carolina State University have discovered a new phase of solid carbon called Q-carbon, which can be used to create diamond-related structures at room temperature and ambient atmospheric pressure in air. Phases are distinct forms of the same material. Graphite is one of the solid phases of carbon; diamond is another.

The process involves coating a substrate with amorphous carbon, hitting it with a single laser pulse, raising its temperature to 3,727 degrees Celsius, and then rapidly cooling it.

By controlling the cooling rate, the researchers can create diamond structures within the Q-carbon. Q-carbon has unique properties, including ferromagnetism, strength, and low work-function, which make it ideal for developing new electronic display technologies.

Researchers from North Carolina State University have discovered a new phase of solid carbon, called Q-carbon, which is distinct from the known phases of graphite and diamond.

Researchers start with a substrate, such as such as sapphire, glass or a plastic polymer. The substrate is then coated with amorphous carbon – elemental carbon that, unlike graphite or diamond, does not have a regular, well-defined crystalline structure. The carbon is then hit with a single laser pulse lasting approximately 200 nanoseconds. During this pulse, the temperature of the carbon is raised to 4,000 Kelvin (or around 3,727 degrees Celsius) and then rapidly cooled. This operation takes place at one atmosphere – the same pressure as the surrounding air. nanometers and 500 nanometers thick.


Scientists Develop New Method for Creating High-Quality Diamonds at Room Temperature

Scientists have developed a new method for creating high-quality diamonds at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. The new method, called direct conversion, uses a laser to convert graphite into diamonds.

Diamonds are one of the hardest materials on Earth, and they are also very valuable. They are used in jewelry, industrial applications, and medical devices. However, the traditional method for creating diamonds, called high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) synthesis, is expensive and time-consuming.

The new direct conversion method is much faster and cheaper than HPHT synthesis. It also produces high-quality diamonds that are comparable to natural diamonds.

The direct conversion method could lead to the development of new diamond-based materials and devices. For example, diamonds could be used to create new types of armor, sensors, and medical implants.

The direct conversion method is still in its early stages of development, but it has the potential to revolutionize the diamond industry.

Here are some of the benefits of the direct conversion method:

  • It is faster and cheaper than HPHT synthesis.
  • It produces high-quality diamonds that are comparable to natural diamonds.
  • It could lead to the development of new diamond-based materials and devices.

Here are some of the challenges that need to be addressed before the direct conversion method can be commercialized:

  • The cost of the laser needs to be reduced.
  • The process needs to be scaled up to produce large quantities of diamonds.
  • The quality of the diamonds needs to be consistent.

Despite the challenges, the direct conversion method has the potential to revolutionize the diamond industry. It could make diamonds more affordable and accessible, and it could lead to the development of new diamond-based materials and devices.


GaN-on-Diamond For Next Power Devices

GaN-on-Diamond technology is a device technology that combines gallium nitride (GaN) with diamond, which is the material with the highest thermal conductivity. The maximum output power of GaN-based HEMTs is limited by the high temperature of the channel substrate, which degrades system performance and reliability. Diamond is currently the material with the highest thermal conductivity, and through its integration with GaN, it helps to dissipate the heat generated near the channel.

This technology offers key benefits such as high thermal conductivity, high electrical resistivity, and small form factor at both device and system levels. GaN-on-diamond technology is expected to be launched commercially by leading industrial actors such as RFHIC, Akash Systems, and Mitsubishi Electric in the next few years.

The combination of GaN and diamond helps to dissipate the heat generated near the channel in high-power RF applications, such as commercial base stations, military radar applications, satellite communication, and weather radars. During the operation of the HEMT device, a large voltage drop near the gate induces localized Joule-heating, which results in super-high local heat flux. By putting diamond as close as possible to the hot-spots, the channel temperature can be effectively decreased, facilitating the device’s stability and lifetime.

A team led by the School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology has implemented a series of results based on room-temperature surface-activated bonding (SAB) to bond GaN and single-crystal diamond with different interlayer thicknesses. The newly developed technique maximizes gallium nitride performance for higher power operations.

GaN-on-diamond technology offers advantages such as high thermal conductivity, high electrical resistivity, and small form factor at both device and system levels, making it a very attractive option for high-power RF applications.


Revolutionizing the Diamond Industry

Synthetic diamond manufacturing is revolutionizing the diamond industry in many ways. First and foremost, it has made diamonds more accessible to a wider range of consumers. Natural diamonds are expensive and rare, and their high price tags make them unaffordable for many people. Synthetic diamonds, on the other hand, are more affordable and can be produced in large quantities, making them accessible to a broader market.

Secondly, synthetic diamond manufacturing has eliminated the ethical concerns that often surround the diamond industry. Natural diamonds are often mined in countries with poor human rights records, and there are concerns about child labor and forced labor. Synthetic diamond manufacturing is a more ethical option since it does not involve mining or any form of exploitation.

Thirdly, synthetic diamond manufacturing has made it possible to create diamonds of different colors and sizes, which was not possible with natural diamonds. This has expanded the range of options available to consumers, allowing them to select diamonds that suit their individual tastes and preferences.

Finally, synthetic diamond manufacturing has also made it possible to create diamonds that are of higher quality than natural diamonds. The manufacturing process allows for greater control over the diamond’s size, shape, and clarity, resulting in diamonds that have greater brilliance and sparkle.


Market growth

In 2021, the global synthetic diamond market size was worth US$ 21.4 Bn. The global market is likely to expand 6.9% CAGR during the forecast period, from 2022 to 2031. It is estimated that by 2031, the global synthetic diamond market will attain value of US$ 43.7 Bn. Due to their numerous advantageous properties, artificial diamonds are finding growing usage in a variety of end-use sectors, which is expected exert positive influence on the synthetic diamond business. These diamonds have a special mix of electrochemical, optical, thermal, electrical, acoustic, and mechanical characteristics. Since synthetic diamonds are not affected by environmental degradation, the global market is projected to expand in the forthcoming years.


Natural diamonds are one of the hardest materials available on earth and are mainly utilized for jewelry applications. Industrial applications of natural diamond account for a comparatively smaller share as compared to their synthetic counterparts, while their share in jewelry application is expected to gain prominence over the coming years.


Widespread industry adoption of diamond has been slow, consistent with general delay in adoption of new materials, however some sectors have started using it. Growing environmental concern regarding the mining process that is carried out for exploring natural diamonds coupled with strict governmental regulations to extract natural diamond is likely to hamper the production of natural diamonds, thereby giving rise to the manufacture of synthetic diamond.


Synthetic diamonds come in a variety of forms, including powder, dust, grit, and bort and they have a wide range of uses in a variety of end-user sectors. Synthetic diamonds are employed in several industrial applications in about 99% of cases. Since no other material can endure the harsh conditions present in oil and gas mines, synthetic diamonds are also employed in oil and gas drills. Products made of synthetic diamond are also used to purify water in commercial and residential settings. Such extensive use is likely to expand scope of the global synthetic diamond market.


Synthetic diamonds are also widely used in superabrasive tools, such as grinding wheels, cutting tools, and drilling and dressing tools, among others, for manufacturing products in the automotive, medical, aerospace, and electronics industries. Hence, increasing demand for superabrasives is also likely to boost the demand for synthetic diamonds.


North America dominated the market with a revenue share of 51.7%. The future outlook in North America is likely to be influenced by changing buying patterns of the millennials shifting from natural diamonds to synthetic or lab grown ones on account of low cost. Asia-Pacific  registered large growth in the synthetic diamond market across the world, owing to the rapid growth of electronics manufacturing in countries, like China, India, and Japan.




Synthetic diamonds are segmented by the way they are manufactured, i.e. high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) methods. These diamonds are also categorized by type into polished or rough. By the product segment, synthetic diamonds are divided into dust, grit, stone, bort and powder. Depending on the end-user application, they are divided into jewelry, electronics, construction, mining and healthcare.


The global synthetic diamond market is highly fragmented, with various large, mid-sized, and small players focusing heavily on research and innovation, to cater to the rising demand. The market is demand-oriented, due to which, products are manufactured depending upon the specifications from the end-user industry.


China are making attempts for intelligent manufacturing and upgrading to high-end manufacturing. Apart from China, the ASEAN region is the largester exporter of electronics, which is equivalent to about 25% of the region’s total exports in goods. According to the ASEAN Secretariat, the bulk of the world’s consumer electronics comes from the ASEAN region. Moreover, over 80% of the world’s hard drives are produced in the ASEAN region. Owing to these factors, Asia-Pacific is likely to dominate the global market during the forecast period.


Some of the  key players in the global synthetic diamond market: Crystallume, Element Six, ILJIN Diamond, NEW DIAMOND TECHNOLOGY, and Scio Diamond Technology. Other prominent vendors in the market are: Applied Diamond, D.NEA, Hebei Plasma Diamond Technology, New Age Diamonds,  Washington Diamonds Corporation, Centaurus Technologies, Inc.and Zhengzhou Sino-Crystal Diamond.




Synthetic diamond manufacturing has revolutionized the diamond industry, making diamonds more accessible, ethical, and customizable. With advancements in technology, it is likely that synthetic diamonds will continue to improve in quality and become even more popular with consumers. The future of the diamond industry is bright with the continued development of synthetic diamond manufacturing.




About Rajesh Uppal

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