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Optical MEMS or MOEMS Enabling Advanced Technologies: Augmented Reality, Mini-Spectrometers, Lidar, and Wearable Healthcare


The rapid progress in modern microelectronics has resulted in impressive computational and memory capabilities. However, bridging the gap between digital systems and the physical world has remained a challenge. This is where MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) and even smaller Nano ElectroMechanical Systems (NEMS) come into play. These technologies integrate sensors and actuators with microelectronic circuitry, enabling devices to not only sense their surroundings but also perform physical tasks and exchange inputs/outputs. Taking this integration a step further is Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS), which merges MEMS with micro-optics to enable interactions with light on a micro- or millimeter scale.

Understanding MOEMS

Modern microelectronic semiconductors and integrated circuits provide remarkable computational and memory capabilities but lack the capability to interface with the physical world directly. MEMS (MicroElectroMechanical Systems) and the even smaller NEMS (Nano ElectroMechanical Systems)  integrate sensors and actuators on microelectronic circuitry and enabling these products, awareness of the surroundings in the physical world, and allow them to perform physical tasks and send/receive inputs/outputs. Further,


Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS) or optical microsystems are integrated devices or systems that interact with light through actuation or sensing at a micro- or millimeter scale. MOEMS merges MEMS with micro-optics as required for sensing and/or manipulating optical signals or light on a very small scale using integrated mechanical, optical, and electrical systems. Examples include digital light-projection devices and mini spectrometers, with applications such as projection systems, 3D printers, and instrumentation.


MOEMS are not a special class of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) but rather the combination of MEMS merged with Micro-optics. This high degree of integration is possible due to the progress in two areas, miniaturization of integrated circuits, which has been going for decades and now reached ultra large scale integration (ULSI) in which the size of the transistor is at the submicron scale and the development of micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems (MOEMS) and microelectromechanical system (MEMS) that can be fabricated in silicon using modified microelectronic processing derived from IC fabrication.


The MOEMS endow systems with the ability to alter or modulate the path of a light beam and in some cases, to temporally or spectrally modify the light beam. The movement of a micro-optical element permits the dynamic manipulation of a light beam. This dynamic manipulation can involve (amplitude or wavelength) modulation, a temporal delay, diffraction, reflection, refraction or simple spatial re-alignment. The most common micro-optical elements are those that reflect diffract or refract light.

Advancements in Optical MEMS and MOEMS: From Fundamentals to Future Applications


The major advantages of MOEMS include faster switching and sensing operations, Wider bandwidth, multiplexed data transmission, low power consumption, reduction of the electrical interferences, and the lowest possible sizes. The reliability of MOEMS is higher than MEMS as reported in many pieces of research.

Faster Switching and Sensing Operations

One of the standout advantages of Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS) is their ability to perform faster switching and sensing operations. By dynamically manipulating light beams through micro-optical elements, MOEMS devices can achieve rapid modulation, wavelength shifts, and spatial re-alignments. This characteristic is particularly valuable in applications requiring real-time responses, such as optical communication systems, where the ability to switch rapidly between different optical paths enhances data transmission efficiency.

Wider Bandwidth and Multiplexed Data Transmission

MOEMS technology boasts a wider bandwidth compared to conventional systems, enabling the transmission of a broader range of frequencies. This feature is vital in telecommunications, as it supports multiplexed data transmission. Multiple data streams can be transmitted simultaneously through different wavelengths, increasing the overall data capacity of optical communication systems. MOEMS-enabled devices excel in managing and manipulating these wavelength divisions efficiently, contributing to the expansion of high-capacity communication networks.

Low Power Consumption and Reduced Electrical Interference

The energy efficiency of MOEMS devices is a significant advantage. Their ability to manipulate light with minimal energy consumption makes them well-suited for battery-operated and energy-sensitive applications, such as wearable healthcare devices and IoT sensors. Additionally, the nature of light-based operations reduces the risk of electrical interference commonly associated with traditional electronic systems. This attribute enhances the reliability and stability of MOEMS devices in various operational environments.

Miniaturization and Compact Design

MOEMS technology’s integration of mechanical, optical, and electrical components on a micro- or millimeter scale allows for compact and miniaturized device designs. This miniaturization facilitates the creation of smaller and more lightweight devices, making them ideal for applications where space constraints are a concern. This advantage is particularly evident in wearable healthcare devices, where MOEMS-enabled sensors and actuators can be seamlessly integrated into clothing or accessories.

Cost-Effective Wafer-Scale Manufacturing

MOEMS devices are inherently compatible with cost-effective wafer-scale manufacturing processes. Leveraging techniques derived from the semiconductor industry, MOEMS components can be fabricated en masse on a single wafer, streamlining production and reducing manufacturing costs. This scalability is crucial for applications requiring mass production, such as consumer electronics and telecommunications equipment, making MOEMS an attractive option for manufacturers aiming to achieve economies of scale.

High Reliability and Precision

Research has shown that MOEMS devices tend to exhibit higher reliability compared to their electronic counterparts. This reliability is attributed to the advancements in fabrication techniques and materials that enable the production of precise and well-controlled micro-optical elements. The resulting consistency and accuracy in device performance contribute to their long-term reliability, making MOEMS an appealing choice for critical applications like aerospace and healthcare.

Diverse Range of Applications

The versatility of MOEMS technology is a major advantage. Its applications span across various industries, including telecommunications, healthcare, augmented reality, automotive, and more. This adaptability showcases the widespread potential of MOEMS to revolutionize multiple sectors simultaneously. As the technology continues to advance, new and unexpected applications may emerge, further highlighting its capability to address evolving technological challenges.


Applications of MOEMS in Advanced Technologies

1. Augmented Reality and Virtual User Interfaces

MOEMS technology enables the dynamic manipulation of light beams, allowing for amplitude or wavelength modulation, temporal delays, diffraction, reflection, and more. In the realm of augmented reality, this technology is leveraged to project user interfaces onto various surfaces. This capability facilitates a wide range of inputs, from classic touch to gesture control.

Optical MEMS Technology has enabled innovative methods for achieving high-quality 3D imaging. Utilizing Optical MEMS devices, structured light patterns are projected onto objects, and the reflected light is captured by a camera. Advanced image processing algorithms then analyze the captured data to create detailed 3D profiles of objects, including those too small for naked-eye observation. This technology finds applications in 3D sensing and machine vision, allowing precise light manipulation for structured illumination and accurate measurement of object surfaces.

Optical MEMS technology stands as a transformative force in the realm of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), enriching the immersive experiences of users. By integrating micro-optical elements like tunable lenses, beam steering devices, and micro-displays, Optical MEMS enables dynamic focusing, adjustable field of view, and real-time image manipulation in AR and VR devices. These micro-devices facilitate the creation of compact and lightweight headsets while maintaining high-resolution displays and accurate scene rendering. In AR applications, Optical MEMS-based waveguides can project digital information onto the user’s field of view, seamlessly blending virtual content with the real world. In VR, fast-acting micro-mirrors and diffractive optics enhance motion tracking, reduce motion sickness, and provide lifelike visual interactions. Ultimately, Optical MEMS technology enhances the visual realism, comfort, and versatility of both Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality experiences.

2. Mini-Spectrometers and High-Performance Materials Integration

The world of spectrometry has also benefited from MOEMS innovation. Miniaturized spectrometers, integrated with high-performance materials and subsystems, are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in terms of performance, robustness, and cost-effectiveness. These advancements are made possible by technologies such as MEMS, MOEMS, micro-mirror arrays, Linear Variable Filters, and integrated Photonics. The result is a significant growth in the mini and micro spectrometer market.

3. Telecommunications and Optical Components

Telecommunications, particularly the installation of optical fiber-based networks, has seen tremendous growth. Micromachining and IC-based processing techniques are transforming the production of opto-electronic integrated circuits and micro-electromechanical alignment devices. These advancements have applications in data centers, optical switches, routers, optical alignment systems, and fiber positioning devices, enabling the creation of complex opto-electronic systems.

Optical Couplers are designed to link optical power from a single fiber or source to multiple output fibers. These couplers are built using integrated optics waveguides, like those made from silica.

WDM Devices, or Wavelength Division Multiplexing Devices, are specialized components that filter or separate specific wavelengths within a frequency range. These devices often rely on dichroic filters or gratings, which are usually microfabricated onto optical substrates like silica.

Optical Switches, Routers, and Shutters enable the routing of optical signals from multiple inputs to various outputs. These devices primarily use micromechanical mirrors, shutters, or positioning structures for their switching mechanisms. Microtechnologies play a crucial role in these systems, contributing to their functionality and interconnections.

Optical Alignment Systems and Fiber Positioning Devices are developed using micromachining and microtechnologies to achieve precise alignments between optical fibers or components. These devices allow for meticulous adjustments with sub-micron tolerances, enabling accurate positioning through microsystem-based mechanical transducers.

Micro-Lenses are created using microtechnologies to fabricate high-precision lenses and lens arrays, which are used for focusing or redirecting optical beams. These micro-lenses enhance optical coupling between laser sources and fibers or between input and output fibers of optical switches. Integration with precision alignment microsystems is a common approach for these lens structures.

MOEMS are pivotal in advancing display technologies, particularly micro-displays. These applications include Embedded Direct View Systems, Front and Rear Projection Systems, and Near Eye Applications. Promising MEMS technologies for micro-display applications encompass Micro-mirror arrays (MMAs), Grated Light Valves, Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LCOS), and Field Emission Displays (ThinCRT).

Micromirror arrays are MEMS devices that integrate aluminized mirrors over a CMOS control circuit. These mirrors can be rotated between two angles to control light redirection. In the on-state, light is directed toward a projection lens to create pixels on a screen, while in the off-position, light is directed away to create dark pixels. Micromirrors find applications in laser projection, barcode scanners, microscopy, displays, and more. In laser projection, they scan modulated light beams for displays. Scanning laser projectors use resonant mirrors requiring closed-loop control. A micromirror-based portable TV system projects large images while maintaining visual quality and vibrant colors.

4. Wearable Healthcare Devices and Vital Parameter Monitoring

MOEMS devices have found their way into the healthcare sector, revolutionizing wearable health monitoring. These devices allow non-invasive measurement of vital parameters such as oxygen levels, CO2 levels, glucose levels, and pulse rate. Non-invasive optical measurements of glucose concentration, for instance, involve directing light onto the body and analyzing the changes in optical signals through wavelength, polarization, or intensity. This innovation opens the door to precise and convenient healthcare monitoring through optical signatures obtained from tissue interaction with emitted light.


Optical MEMS technology plays a pivotal role in LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) systems, revolutionizing the field of autonomous vehicles, environmental sensing, and mapping. By integrating micro-scale optical components such as micro-mirrors, beam splitters, and diffractive elements, Optical MEMS enhances LIDAR’s capabilities for precise distance and depth measurement. These micro-devices enable rapid beam steering and modulation, allowing LIDAR systems to create detailed 3D maps of surroundings by measuring the time it takes for laser pulses to reflect back from objects. Optical MEMS-powered LIDAR systems offer improved resolution, wider field of view, and faster scanning speeds, contributing to safer navigation, obstacle detection, and spatial awareness in various applications.

6. Optical MEMS Micromirrors Could Be a Driving Force in “Smart Glass”

Optical MEMS technology, particularly in the form of micro-opto-electromechanical system (MOEMS) mirror arrays, holds promising potential to revolutionize the realm of “smart glass.” In the pursuit of energy conservation within buildings, where a significant portion of energy consumption is attributed to heating and cooling, the concept of smart glass has gained traction. Smart glass refers to glass with adjustable light transmission properties, adapting to environmental conditions. For example, on a winter day, smart glass allows more light to enter a room to naturally heat it. On a summer day, the glass may allow less light to filter through, keeping the room cool.

Current techniques include active methods like polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) glass and electrochromic (EC) glass. However, recent research from the University of Kassel highlights the role of MOEMS mirror arrays, or optical MEMS, as a viable approach. These microscopic mechanically-controlled devices, situated on a semiconductor substrate, leverage electronic control to manipulate light redirection. By enabling dynamic adjustments to light transmission, MOEMS-based smart glass could play a pivotal role in enhancing energy efficiency and sustainability in both residential and commercial buildings. These micromirrors can be controlled by adjusting the voltage across corresponding electrodes and are coupled with motion sensors within the room to detect occupants’ presence and positions.

The technology offers swift actuation speeds, significantly lower power consumption compared to existing methods like polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) displays, and a notable 35% reduction in building energy usage during daylight hours. Additionally, the researchers suggest that this technique could contribute to a 30% decrease in a building’s carbon dioxide emissions.


MOEMS accelerometers combine micro-electronic mechanical system (MEMS) technology with optical measurements, offering advantages such as immunity to electromagnetic interference, high sensitivity, and multiplexing. They find applications in accurate inertial navigation, vehicle vibration sensing, seismic sensing, and oil-field applications. Various optical techniques, including grating interferometry and Fabry-Perot cavity, have been employed in these accelerometers, with interferometry designs using micro-gratings showing promise due to their compact size and high sensitivity. These interferometers, based on diffraction gratings, ensure reliability and minimal zero deviation drift. Further optimization of elements like the elastic coefficient, mass block, and cross-axis suppression ratio is necessary for improved performance. Precise modeling, noise reduction, and careful consideration of detector and laser noise are essential for enhancing these accelerometers.

Challenges and Solutions

While the potential of MOEMS technology is promising, challenges remain. Integration and cost are areas of concern, but innovative approaches like wafer-level packaging (WLP) are driving progress in these aspects. WLP enables the combination of different materials and components into single systems, unlocking new possibilities for integration and cost reduction.

In summary, the numerous advantages of MOEMS, from rapid switching and wider bandwidth to compact design and cost-effective manufacturing, position this technology as a transformative force in various industries. Its ability to manipulate light with precision and efficiency opens doors to innovation and efficiency gains, ultimately reshaping the way we interact with the physical world and advancing technological progress across multiple fronts.

Recent Breakthroughs

Researchers are pushing the boundaries of photonic integrated circuits (PICs) through innovative applications of advanced semiconductor materials and techniques, yielding remarkable functions and bandwidth capabilities. The synergy between photonics and solid-state processes is evident in the development of photonic ICs that go beyond traditional emitters and receptors, opening up new possibilities in signal management and bandwidth utilization. Recent examples highlight the diverse range of applications.

One compelling development comes from the University of Sydney, where researchers have successfully integrated optics and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) devices within a microchip package. This photonic MEMS platform combines high-performance nano-opto-electromechanical devices with standard silicon-photonics foundry components. Through this integration, the team has demonstrated power couplers, phase shifters, and wavelength-division multiplexing devices, paving the way for large-scale photonic integrated circuits that find use in telecommunications, sensing, quantum computing, and more. This platform showcases the potential of MEMS structures for optical power distribution and switching, further expanding the realm of photonic ICs.

Another significant advancement is in the domain of temperature compensation for photonic devices. A collaborative effort between Oregon State University and Baylor University has yielded a highly energy-efficient method to counteract temperature variations that degrade photonic devices in data centers and supercomputers. The researchers harnessed the properties of silicon microring resonators (Si-MRRs) and introduced high-mobility, titanium-doped indium oxide (ITiO) gates to achieve substantial wavelength tuning over the entire channel spacing. This approach not only ensures precise wavelength control but also significantly reduces power consumption, thus revolutionizing the energy efficiency of photonic interfaces.

These recent breakthroughs underscore the dynamic and transformative impact of optical MEMS and MOEMS technologies, spanning various fields and applications, from telecommunications to data centers and beyond.

Enhancing Military Capabilities Through MOEMS

The integration of Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS) technology in military applications holds the potential to revolutionize various aspects of defense operations. These applications span a wide range of critical functions, including internal navigation units for munitions guidance, personalized navigation for soldiers, and the replacement of current warhead systems with improved safety and reliability.

MOEMS-enabled embedded sensors and actuators also play a pivotal role in condition-based maintenance of military machinery and vehicles. Furthermore, MOEMS devices are poised to amplify structural strength in lower weight weapon systems, contributing to improved performance and resilience. Disaster-resistant buildings can benefit from MOEMS-enhanced solutions, ensuring the survivability of crucial military infrastructure.

Challenges and Imperatives

While the potential benefits of MOEMS in military applications are substantial, meeting the stringent requirements of these scenarios demands further advancements in design and performance. Military specifications, especially for aircraft, missiles, and munitions, present unique challenges. These specifications include demanding parameters such as vibration tolerance ranging from 20 to 3,000 Hz for accelerations of 5g to 20g, structural resonance thresholds exceeding 3,000 Hz, temperature ranges from -65°C to over +125°C, mechanical shock resistance up to 100g for fighter aircraft, up to 300g for missiles, and more than 15,000g for gun-launched munitions, as well as angular acceleration exceeding 500,000 rad/s² for spinning gun-launched munitions.

Addressing Generic Challenges

In addition to meeting specific military specifications, there are more generic challenges to consider. The success of Military MEMS (including MOEMS) heavily relies on developments in the commercial and civil sectors, as the lower production volumes for military applications can lead to higher costs. The extended product life cycles of military technologies introduce complexities related to process availability and product obsolescence. Moreover, the accessibility of military-specific MEMS advancements by the civil markets might raise security concerns. It’s important to note that repairing MOEMS devices is not typically feasible, and diagnosing issues can be complex due to their intricate nature.

Market Growth

The global photonics MEMS market is expected to grow from USD 1.8 billion in 2022 to USD 3.2 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 7.8%. The growth of the market is driven by the increasing demand for photonic MEMS devices in a variety of applications, such as optical communication, biophotonics, and consumer electronics.

Optical communication is one of the major drivers of the photonics MEMS market. Photonic MEMS devices are used in optical communication systems for a variety of applications, such as wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), optical switching, and optical sensing. The increasing demand for high-speed data transmission is driving the growth of the optical communication market, which is in turn driving the demand for photonic MEMS devices.

Biophotonics is another major driver of the photonics MEMS market. Photonic MEMS devices are used in biophotonics applications, such as optical tweezers, micro-endoscopes, and lab-on-a-chip devices. The increasing demand for minimally invasive medical procedures and the growing need for point-of-care diagnostics are driving the growth of the biophotonics market, which is in turn driving the demand for photonic MEMS devices.

Consumer electronics is also a major driver of the photonics MEMS market. Photonic MEMS devices are used in consumer electronics applications, such as laser scanners, image sensors, and display devices. The increasing demand for high-resolution displays and the growing popularity of augmented reality and virtual reality devices are driving the growth of the consumer electronics market, which is in turn driving the demand for photonic MEMS devices.

Other factors driving the growth of the photonics MEMS market include:

  • The development of new materials and manufacturing processes for photonic MEMS devices
  • The increasing miniaturization of optical devices
  • The growing demand for high-performance optical systems

The major challenges facing the photonics MEMS market include:

  • The high cost of photonic MEMS devices
  • The complexity of designing and manufacturing photonic MEMS devices
  • The lack of standards for photonic MEMS devices

Despite these challenges, the photonics MEMS market is expected to grow in the coming years due to the strong demand for photonic MEMS devices in a variety of applications.

Here are some of the key players in the photonics MEMS market:

  • Analog Devices
  • Hamamatsu Photonics
  • Jenoptik AG
  • Microchip Technology Inc.
  • NXP Semiconductors
  • Omron Corporation
  • Princeton Optronics
  • STMicroelectronics
  • Texas Instruments Incorporated

These companies are developing and commercializing photonic MEMS devices for a variety of applications. The market is expected to be highly competitive in the coming years, as these companies continue to invest in research and development and expand their product portfolios.

The Path Forward

Despite these challenges, the proliferation of microsystems within military platforms is expected to continue. The intelligent functionality and enhanced performance offered by MOEMS devices provide compelling reasons for their integration into military applications. Advancements in MOEMS technology can help overcome current limitations, allowing military platforms to benefit from the precision, efficiency, and miniaturization that MOEMS brings. As innovations continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, MOEMS is poised to play a vital role in shaping the future of military capabilities.


In conclusion, MOEMS technology is at the forefront of transforming various industries by enabling interactions with light and the physical world in unprecedented ways. From augmented reality to telecommunications, from healthcare to spectrometry, the applications of MOEMS are vast and impactful. Ongoing advancements and breakthroughs in materials, fabrication techniques, and integration are propelling these technologies forward. As the MOEMS market continues to grow, its influence on advanced technologies is set to shape a future where our interactions with the physical world are redefined and expanded beyond imagination.














About Rajesh Uppal

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