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Yearly Archives: 2021

DARPA MACH & HEAT developing rugged high temperature materials RF radome & IR window for hypersonic vehicles

The era of hypersonic flight had arrived. Countries are developing future hypersonic Spaceplanes , enabling  intercontinental travel at very high speeds, that could  cut the journey times from the UK to Australia from the current duration of around 20 hours to as little as two hours.  They shall also provide …

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fire control system

A fire-control system (sometimes called FCS) is a number of components working together, usually a gun data computer, a director, and radar, which is designed to assist a ranged weapon system in targeting, tracking, and hitting its target. It performs the same task as a human gunner firing a weapon, …

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Homeland security threats and Counter Terror & Public Safety Technology Market

Today’s terrorist landscape is more fluid and complex than ever influenced by economic and social conditions that breed extremism and the threat landscape is less predictable. The Countries face an increasingly complex terrorist landscape, populated by a diverse array of actors employing new technologies and tactics across physical and cyber …

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Laser Technology Market

Laser, a device that stimulates atoms or molecules to emit light at particular wavelengths and amplifies that light, typically producing a very narrow beam of radiation. The emission generally covers an extremely limited range of visible, infrared, or ultraviolet wavelengths. Many different types of lasers have been developed, with highly …

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Ultra-compact Nano antennas made of Nano Materials have applications from wearables to airplanes, spacecraft and military

An antenna is a device used to propagate, receive, and/or transmit electromagnetic waves which can have information embedded within them. The antenna creates an electromagnetic wave that carries the original embedded sound information through the atmosphere/space around it. An antenna at a different location, receives the electromagnetic wave, sending it …

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AR/VR Chip Market

Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment that can be similar to or completely different from the real world. Unlike traditional user interfaces like  viewing a screen in front of them, users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds.  Applications of …

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Millimeter wave (mmWave) power amplifiers enable mmWave Radios for 5G and Satellite Communications

Millimeter waves are electromagnetic signals with frequencies ranging from 30 to 300 GHz that correspond to wavelengths of 10 to 1 mm in the free space. Electromagnetic waves in the millimeter-wave band  (with frequencies between 30 and 300 GHz, or wavelengths between 10 and 1.0 mm) have attractive characteristics. One of …

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Millimeter wave tests, and measurements for emerging 5G cellular communications, Ka band Satellite communications, military and automotive radar

Millimeter waves are electromagnetic signals with frequencies ranging from 30 to 300 GHz that correspond to wavelengths of 10 to 1 mm in the free space. Electromagnetic waves in the millimeter-wave band  (with frequencies between 30 and 300 GHz, or wavelengths between 10 and 1.0 mm) have attractive characteristics. One of …

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DARPA’s SAHARA to automate Structured ASICs production and enhance their security for defense electronic systems

Time to market demand has forced integrated circuit design, manufacturing and testing to be done at different places across globe. This approach has led to numerous security concerns like overbuilding of chips from foundries, IP protection, counterfeiting and hardware Trojans. Hardware Trojans (HT), which are malicious circuit inclusions into the …

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DARPA RNDMC program developing Distributed Beamforming Antennas across air, ground, and sea assets, to provide long range tactical communication robust against failure or attack

DARPA, is proposing a new Mosaic Warfare strategy for evolving multidomain battlefield. Dr. Timothy Grayson, Director of the Strategic Technology Office is advocating for a “system of systems” approach that he’s calling mosaic warfare: the ability to piece together different systems to build new overarching warfighting capabilities.  DARPA’s Strategic Technology …

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