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Yearly Archives: 2020

Materials play critical role in Wind Turbine Blades running for long time without maintenance

Wind is a emerging as a reliable and inexpensive source of renewable energy. Globally, the average cost of wind is $83 per megawatt-hour compared to averages for coal and gas being $84 and $98 respectively. “In the USA, gas is slightly cheaper than wind but this is the only large …

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Heat-to-Power technology or thermoelectrics (TEs), pyroelectrics (PEs) to power future wearables, homes, vehicles, consumer and Military equipment

Many electrical and mechanical devices, such as car engines, produce heat as a byproduct of their normal operation. It’s called “waste heat,” and its existence is required by the fundamental laws of thermodynamics. Heat-to-power technology is also other major opportunity to make use of any waste heat exiting through engine …

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DARPA’s BG+ is mitigating spinal cord injury of wounded warfighter, promoting healing in the battlefield

In November of 2016 Nature reported that the results of experiments in Beijing, in which a wireless brain implant — that stimulates electrodes in the leg by recreating signals recorded from the brain — has enabled monkeys with spinal-cord injuries to walk. “They have demonstrated that the animals can regain …

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DARPA’s INI developing AI algorithms of BCIs that allow troops to control unmanned systems using their brains.

Recent progress in central and peripheral neural interface technology has resulted in impressive capability demonstrations. These include the use of neural signals to control the reanimation of paralyzed muscles or to control high-dimensional prosthetic limbs, external robots, and even flight simulators. In many of these examples, sensory feedback from the …

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New Wargaming trends from AI and science based to Multidomain wargames simulating Multi-Domain Battle and Operations (MDB/MDO)

A wargame, generally, is a type of strategy game which realistically simulates warfare. A military wargame, specifically, is a wargame that is used by some military to train its officers in tactical and strategic decision-making, to test new tactics and strategies, or to predict trends in future conflicts. As military …

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Militaries moving to responsive , adaptable, and Agile Software Development to operate in new cyber domain and asymmetrical warfare

Innovation and product development is the cornerstone to organizational growth in the market environment today. But for new product development the stakes are high, requirements increasing and there is a demand of delivering faster in order to beat the competition to the market. New product development is a complex endeavour, …

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Amalga™: an Next generation MEMS manufacturing technology for miniature RF Components

Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) is the integration of mechanical elements (levers, springs, deformable membranes, vibrating structures, etc.), sensors, actuators, and electronics (resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc.) on a common silicon substrate through microfabrication technology. MEMS devices are today considered as one among the most promising technologies of this century, capable to revolutionize the …

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Emerging technologies have many vulnerabilities that pose many security threats to government and military organizations

Technology is embedded within almost every aspect of our daily lives, from the smart phones within our pocket to our office computers, washing machines or even light bulbs. This exponential growth and dependency upon technology now shapes how we live within a global growing society especially within a security environment. …

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Maritime terrorism require Unattended Sensor Technologies for Monitoring Riverine and Littoral Zone Vessel Traffic

Terrorist groups and transnational criminal organizations continue to illegally cross porous land borders to traffic small arms and light weapons (SALW), ammunition and explosives, drugs, contraband, other illicit goods, and human beings, as well as deploy terrorist operatives to conduct attacks. Such activities undermine States’ efforts to counter terrorism and …

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Countries race to develop terabit per second optical fiber networks for 5G, fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) and data center interconnect (DCI) cloud services.

One of the biggest challenges for 5G and last mile 10 Gig deployments is not raw data speeds, but middle mile and core networks.  Currently, top speeds for core networks are between 200 Gbps and 400 Gbps, depending on the carrier and day of the week. Optical systems with advent …

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