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Yearly Archives: 2019

Brain inspired Hyperdimensional computing for extremely robust brain-computer interfaces, biosignal processing and robotics

From an engineering perspective, computing is the systematized and mechanized manipulation of patterns.  A representation is a pattern in some physical medium, for example, the configuration of ONs and OFFs on a set of switches. The algorithm then tells us how to change these patterns—how to set the switches from …

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Rising role of open source software and open-source framework in Military

Open source software is free to license, the preferred choice of geeks everywhere, for rapid development for instance impromptu mapping projects to help victims of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake where open source delivered results much faster than traditional methods. “It probably would have taken a year to come up with …

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China’s Digital Silk Road to enahnce sci-tech innovation in One Belt, One Road initiative and fuel its military growth

China is making rapid advancements in many technologies thus narrowing its gap with western world.  One of the strategy adopted by China to fuel its innovation engine is to have international research collaborations. During the period of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” (2011-2015), China’s international research collaboration partners grew to span 188 …

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High Power electromagnetic technologies enable Electromagnetic Weapons on Aircrafts, combat drones and missiles

A high-powered microwave weapon (HPM) is type of Directed Energy Weapon (DEW)  for employing radio frequency energy against a variety of targets. They are principally counterelectronic weapons and could be used to destroy any enemy electronic systems, including radars, computer systems and communications infrastructures. Electromagnetic weapons can destroy, intercept or jam …

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DARPA’s GCA harnessing commercially available Geospatial Imagery on secure cloud-based platform for Defense Analysis

The rapid pace of new commercial satellite constellation launches has led to a corresponding increase in the amount and availability of geospatial data. While these constellations largely focus on non-military uses, their data has numerous military applications. For example, the new constellations provide optical, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), and Radio Frequency …

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Countries developing Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) to transform Naval Anti-air Warfare with enhanced throughput, scalability and Interoperability

Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) is a sensor network with integrated fire control capability that is intended to significantly improve battle force air and missile defense capabilities by combining data from multiple battle force air search sensors on CEC-equipped units into a single, real-time, composite track picture (network-centric warfare). This will …

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Power systems, thermal management and cooling technologies are critical for wide employment of directed energy weapons

A directed-energy weapons (DEW) are ranged weapon systems that inflicts damage at a target by emission of highly focused energy, including laser, microwaves and particle beams. Potential applications of this technology include anti-personnel weapon systems, missile defense system, and the disabling of lightly armored vehicles or mounted optical devices   …

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Wide adoption of Laser designators in Military to provide targeting for laser-guided bombs, missiles, or precision artillery munitions

One of the most challenging tasks in any aerial combat situation is to determine which assets on the ground should be targeted and which ones should be avoided. This is particularly challenging in the situation where enemy assets are camouflaged or hidden amongst civilian assets. Because of this a practice …

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Militaries developing Cognitive and Adaptive Radar to counter advanced electronic threats and mitigate spectrum congestion

Today’s radars face an ever increasingly complex operational environment, intensified by the numerous types of mission/modes, number and type of targets, non-homogenous clutter and active interferers in the scene. The EM cluttered environment is a growing problem for ground- based and airborne radar systems.   This problem is becoming critical …

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US DOD Cloud Strategy plans enterprise wide cloud infrastructure to ensure warfighters have access to real-time, mission-critical data

Cloud computing has burst recently into technology and business scene promising great technical and economic advantages, like offering On-demand provisioning of computer services, improved flexibility and scalability as well as reducing costs. Another attractive point of the cloud is its ability to enable a mobile workforce, which brings enhanced flexibility …

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