Tank has been a mainstay of modern militaries, providing a unique capability of high lethality, protection and mobility. It’s heavy gun, can fire high explosive shells to destroy adversary’s tanks , it is heavily armored itself protecting crew from enemy fire and and it can move off roads since it …
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Lab-on-Chip devices allow faster and cheaper DNA sequencing and biochemical detection to chemical synthesis
Lab-on-chip is an integrated miniaturized device that allows researchers to perform all the operations from sample collection to final analysis onto the same chip. Theoretically, LOC technology has the potential to carry out almost any laboratory procedure on a miniaturized scale. This could range from DNA sequencing and biochemical detection …
Read More »Tungsten, the wonder military material used in armor-piercers, armored tanks, to Hypervelocity projectiles is controlled by China
Tungsten is one of the hardest metals on the earth, and many scientists compare it to diamond. Tungsten is a dull silver-colored metal with the highest melting point of any pure metal. Pure tungsten melts at a whopping 6,192 degrees F (3,422 degrees C) and won’t boil until temperatures reach …
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