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The Future of Cloud Data Transfer is Data Transfer Protocol (DTP)

Moving your data between any two services can be complicated because every service is built differently and uses different types of data that may require unique privacy controls and settings, according to Facebook. For example, you might use an app where you share photos publicly, a social networking app where …

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DARPA SHRIMP developed microrobots for search and rescue, disaster relief, infrastructure inspection, and equipment maintenance

Imagine a natural disaster scenario, such as an earthquake, that inflicts widespread damage to buildings and structures, critical utilities and infrastructure, and threatens human safety. Having the ability to navigate the rubble and enter highly unstable areas could prove invaluable to saving lives or detecting additional hazards among the wreckage. …

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Countries developing long range Artillery systems to penetrate anti-access/area denial networks, US Army plans Strategic Long-Range Cannon

During the first half of the twentieth century, armies grew enamored with the concept of “super guns”—huge artillery systems able to bombard cities up dozens of miles behind the frontline. During World War I, Imperial Germany deployed the infamous Paris Gun, which could launch huge 211-millimeter shells to bombard the …

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