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DARPA Ditto developing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning based surrogate models to speed design of military systems

DoD is exploring opportunities to incorporate autonomy, AI, and human-machine teaming into its weapons and operations. Whether as data-mining tools for intelligence analysts, decision aids for planners, or enablers for autonomous vehicle operations, these systems have the potential to provide more accuracy, speed, and agility than traditional tools.  Yet operational …

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DARPA DIGIT employs gene editing to diagnose COVID-19 and other pandemics and also determine the strain, their origin

Major infectious diseases, like COVID-19, often go undetected until they spread. Spotting the problem in a community isn’t easy, in part because infectious disease detection, which is the foundation for surveillance and contact tracing, can take hours, if not days. Compounding the problem is that traditional detection assays are designed …

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Nanotechnology enhanced weapons and Nanoweapons are growing Global Security Threat with potential to cause human extinction

Nanotechnologies involve designing and producing objects or structures at a very small scale, on the level of 100 nanometres (100 millionth of a millimetre) or less.  It allows humans to play with the building blocks of the universe, exploiting the laws of quantum mechanics to construct materials with unimaginable precision – …

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