Radionuclides are types of atoms that are radioactive. The most common radionuclides in drinking water are radium, radon and uranium. Radionuclides occur naturally as trace elements in rocks and soils as a consequence of the “radioactive decay” of uranium-238 (U-238) and thorium-232 (Th-232). As these rocks weather, the resulting clays …
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Quantum sensor principles, technology and applications
We are in midst of the second quantum revolution moving from merely computing quantum properties of systems to exploiting them. Researchers are developing new capabilities in secure communication, ultra-sensitive and high signal to noise physical sensing of the environment and Quantum Information Science (QIS). Yet many scientists believe that quantum …
Read More »Worldwide Race to 4th industrial revolution, Industry 4.0 between Germany, US , Japan, China and India, China extends it to aerospace and defence
The first industrial revolution began in the 18th century when the power of the steam engine was harnessed and manufacturing first became mechanized. The Second used electric power and the assembly line mass production using the conveyor belts. The Third used electronics, memory-programmable controls, computers and information technology to automate …
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