A communication network in its simplest form is a set of equipment and facilities to provide service by transfer of information between users located at various locations. Communication networks have evolved from telegraph networks that operated at tenths of bits per second to modern optical systems, which are operated …
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Consumer electronics technologies, trends and market
Technology has changed the world that we live in. Businesses have taken advantage of advances in technology in a multitude of ways, usually as a way to increase productivity or decrease operating costs. Consumer technology has made its way to the forefront of technical applications due to it’s incredible potential …
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The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM or SOCOM) is the Unified Combatant Command charged with overseeing the various Special Operations Component Commands of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force of the United States Armed Forces. USSOCOM conducts several covert and clandestine missions, such as direct action, special …
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