Special operations (S.O.) are military, law enforcement or intelligence operations that are “special” or unconventional and carried out by dedicated special forces and other special operations forces units using unconventional methods and resources. Special operations may be performed independently, or in conjunction with conventional military operations. The primary goal is …
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AI in Project Management
A project comprises a series of tasks designed to meet a specific objective. It can be developing a new product/service, constructing a bridge or building, house renovation, upgrading the data system, implementing new business, etc. All business people want to find a way to manage their projects effectively to boost …
Read More »US Military, the world’s largest polluter is implementing energy security strategy reducing future resource risk and increasing mission assurance
In the domain of defense, energy has the potential to be both an enabler of hard power but also, via denial, arguably itself to be a weapon of war. Energy enables nearly everything the military does, and the primary objective is mission assurance and decisive advantage on the battlefield. Energy security …
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