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Avantes develops spectrometer for bomb detection based on EU-funded OPTIX project

An EU-funded research team behind the OPTIX project (Optical Technologies for the Identification of explosives),has successfully developed and tested a portable device, which can detect extremely small, as little as 1 microgram of explosives from up to 20 metres away.

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Drone Designed For Incidents like Fukishima Disaster

Through project funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and Sellafield, a team at the University of Bristol has developed the drone, called the ARM system.

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T3: Triple Target Terminator’s Terminus Supersonic long Range Missile

DARPA awarded two competitive development contracts to Boeing and Raytheon in early 2011( Both $21.3 million each) , to conduct conceptual design and development of a multi-mission air/air and air/ground missile dubbed ‘Triple Target Terminator’ (T3).

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