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DARPA plans for Revolutionary approaches for Real-Time Defense against DDoS attacks on Military Networks

As the name suggests, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks are designed to deny legitimate users access to websites and services by overwhelming them with illegitimate connections, requests and traffic.  A distributed denial-of-service attack is when the DoS attacks are being done by multiple attackers all trying to attack a source at once, be it from …

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USAF developing C4ISR that is based on AI, Integrated, Joint, Multifunctional and Multidomain ( air, space and cyber )

The Air Force must help develop new battle management networks and operating concepts as the Pentagon seeks to stay ahead of advanced adversaries, Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work had said. The ability to coordinate the operations of autonomous systems and other cutting-edge platforms and capabilities will be critical for …

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Metallic glass , the next disruptive material for Future Space and Military applications, coming of Age

Metallic glasses are new type of glass that are  extremely strong, hard, and resistant to wear and corrosion, all of which make them good potential candidates for engineering uses, including electronics casings, and medical uses such as surgical pins and stents. Metallic glass can withstand heavy impacts without deforming – even when …

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