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Smartphones increasingly vulnerable from hacking and spying through malware attacks, holes in hardware, Geolocation devices and cameras

  Today, mobile devices are coming under increasing attack.  The number of mobile malware is rapidly on the rise with malicious activities, such as stealing users data, sending premium messages and making phone call to premium numbers that users have no knowledge. Ransomware, banking malware, and other threats aimed at …

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DARPA’s COMPASS developing artificial intelligence based decision making software to help commanders in Hybrid Warfare

Hybrid Warfare (HW) is a military strategy that blends conventional warfare, irregular warfare, cyber warfare and subversion, and blurs the formal distinction between war and peace. It is often characterised by the use of fictitious propaganda, deniable forces, espionage, the mobilisation of ethnic, linguistic or confessional minorities, and terrorism.   …

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US Navy’s NTCDL Network for sharing real-time Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) data from surface, air, sub-surface, and man-portable systems

US Navy’s Network Tactical Common Data Link (NTCDL) Program  provides the ability to transmit/receive real-time Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) data simultaneously from multiple sources (surface, air, sub-surface, man-portable), and exchange command and control information (voice, data, imagery, and Full Motion Video (FMV)) across dissimilar Joint, Service, Coalition, and civil …

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