Submarines, the silent sentinels of the seas, are marvels of modern engineering, capable of operating undetected beneath the ocean’s surface. However, these complex machines and their missions are fraught with inherent risks. Over the years, several submarine accidents and incidents have underscored the perilous nature of underwater operations. By examining …
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Opportunities and Challenges of Applying AI/ML & Deep Learning Technologies in Military
In recent years, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) technologies has revolutionized various sectors, and the military is no exception. These advanced technologies offer unprecedented opportunities to enhance operational capabilities, improve decision-making processes, and transform traditional warfare strategies. However, their adoption also presents …
Read More »US DOD’s Strategic Framework for Enhancing the National Defense Industrial Base (NDIB)
In January 2024, the US Department of Defense (DoD) unveiled its inaugural National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS), a comprehensive roadmap aimed at fortifying the US defense industrial base amidst evolving global challenges. Spanning 59 pages, the NDIS outlines strategic imperatives to bolster resilience and innovation within the defense sector, crucial …
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