TimeLine Layout

April, 2023

  • 27 April

    DARPA MELT developing high energy lasers for directed energy weapons to counter drone swarms

    Laser technology provides major advantages for military applications over kinetic weapons due to High precision and rapid on-target effect, precise and scalable effects, avoidance of collateral damage caused by fragmenting ammunition, Low logistics overhead, and minimum costs per firing.   The proliferation of small, low-cost Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) on …

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  • 26 April

    Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors

    The fiber optic sensors also called as optical fiber sensors use optical fiber or sensing element.  These Sensors can measure a large variety of parameters, such as temperature, pressure, strain, refractive index, vibrations, displacements, bending, loading, and liquid level or concentration of chemical species.   Over the past decade, the …

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  • 26 April

    Urban Air Mobility, using eVTOL vehicles technologies taking off

    The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has estimated that the number of passengers traveling by aircraft could double to 8.2 billion by 2037. According to the UN, 68% of the population is expected to live in urban areas by 2050. The growing number of vehicles in urban areas has resulted …

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  • 25 April

    High-precision Satellite Positioning and Navigation for future Smart Cities

    Th e world is entering a new era of industrial development and societal change driven by advances in digital technologies such as big data analytics, artifi cial intelligence (AI), and robotics, and also by the expanding reach of the Internet of Things (IoT) that is connecting many different types of …

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  • 25 April

    Topological materials for Green ICT, spintronics , terahertz and quantum technology

    The  discovery of topological materials whose properties  remain intact even when an object is stretched, twisted or deformed, led to the awarding of the Nobel Prize in physics in 2016 to F. Duncan M. Haldane,  and others. Their topological nature means these states are resistant to change, and so stable …

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  • 23 April

    Compound semiconductors for 5G, radar, electronic warfare, aviation, and satellite communication applications

    Modern electronic products, from computers to smart phones, use silicon chips at their heart. As the name suggests, these chips are made from silicon, which is a highly abundant element found in sand. With a single element, it is possible to scale-up the manufacturing process to make highly complex silicon chips …

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  • 23 April

    Propulsion technologies for Space logistics, In-Space Assembly (OOS / ISA), automated satellite on-orbit servicing (OOS)

    In the history of spaceflight, almost all spacecraft have been manufactured and assembled on the ground, then integrated into a launch vehicle for delivery into orbit. This approach imposes significant limitations on the size, volume, and design of payloads that can be accommodated within the fairing of a single launch …

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  • 21 April

    Protein A Resins Market

    Most antibody drugs treat cancer and autoimmune diseases, and many of the rest are used to treat orphan and infectious diseases. Unfortunately, antibodies are complex proteins in many ways, which complicates their purification and characterization, making it difficult for their developers to meet the rigid requirements for therapeutics.   Process …

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  • 20 April

    DARPA CASTLE developing AI-toolkit for network hardening against advanced persistent threats (APT)

    Computer networks are more than ever exposed to cyber threats of increasing frequency, complexity and sophistication. Penetration testing (also known as pentesting or PT) is a common practice for actively assessing the defenses of a computer network by planning and executing all possible attacks to discover and exploit existing vulnerabilities. In …

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  • 19 April

    Multi-Robot Collaborative Localization

    Humanitarian Crisis scenarios occur frequently and they typically require immediate rescue intervention. In many cases, the scene conditions may be prohibitive for the human rescuers to provide instant aid, as they have to act within hazardous conditions, like collapsed buildings, air-poisoned, or radioactive environments. Many organizations and research teams are …

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