TimeLine Layout

June, 2023

  • 11 June

    India’s Smart and Comprehensive Integrated Border Management (CIBMS) to guard its long, difficult and porous borders

    The long, porous and difficult  borders have created the security challenges of illegal immigration, cross border terrorism, narcotics and arms smuggling, abetment of separatists and left -wing extremism and separatist movements aided by external powers. Pakistan policy of supporting cross border terrorism has led to constant border skirmishes along the …

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  • 11 June

    Swarm of nanorobots kill cancer cells, deliver drugs to target tissues, and improve vaccines

    We are on the verge of new transitions that will transform robotics. One is already underway—the miniaturization of robots, to the point where invisible, microscopic robots could be around us and inside us, performing monitoring or even life-saving functions. We have seen systematic bio-inspired efforts to create microbe-like, microscopic robots. …

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  • 10 June

    US Army’s Digital Transformation Strategy

    The U.S. Army defends and serves our nation by land, sea, and air, protecting our nation’s most vital interests. Today that mission requires new, innovative capabilities to enable national security and defense strategies, primarily because the modern battlespace has adversaries waging information-technology wars.   Therefore, the Army’s modernization strategy identified …

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  • 9 June

    Directed Energy Weapons technology and Market trends

    Directed energy refers to a technology that produces a beam of concentrated electromagnetic energy, including microwaves, radio waves, lasers, and particle beams. Some of the common product variants include high-energy laser weapons, high-power radiofrequency or microwave devices, and charged or neutral particle beam weapons. These weapons offer numerous benefits over conventional …

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  • 9 June

    Satellite Communication market trends

    Satellites play a crucial role to improve lives in today’s digital economy. Nearly every industry relies upon satellite technology in some way — from agriculture to banking to transportation. Satellites help save lives in emergencies and provide critical knowledge about how to better protect the environment.   Satellite communication refers …

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  • 8 June

    Artificial intelligence will support future of learning and education

    As technology races ahead, skill gaps have appeared, widened and morphed.  In addition, automation may displace 85 million jobs by 2025, whereas time now spent on tasks will be equally divided between people and machines. For these reasons, workforce roles will change, and so will the skills needed to perform …

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  • 8 June

    Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) Battle Command System (IBCS) for countering Air, Missile and Hypersonic threats

    Militaries around the world are increasingly facing a formidable strategic and threat environment in terms of complexity, lethality, range, sophistication, and number of threats. These range from Fifth-generation stealth fighters, cruise and ballistic missile and unmanned air vehicle technology that are becoming widely proliferated to become more accessible to emerging …

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  • 7 June

    Militaries implementing green initiative to counter threat of Climate change

    From fighter jets to lumbering aircraft carriers, the armed forces produce substantial emissions: the estimated 59 million metric tonnes of CO2 the US Department of Defense emits each year is more than the annual emissions of many European countries. In the UK, the Ministry of Defence is responsible for around …

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  • 5 June

    DARPA AMBIIENT developing ultrasensitive Magnetometers

    State-of-the-art magnetometers are used for diverse civilian and DoD applications, among them biomedical imaging, navigation, and detecting unexploded ordnance and underwater and underground anomalies.   Each beat of your heart or burst of brain activity relies on tiny electrophysiological currents that generate minuscule ripples in the surrounding magnetic field. These …

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  • 5 June

    Global Synthetic Biology race for exploiting it for defence as Biology emerging as new domain of warfare

    Synthetic biology technology aims to redesign natural biological systems for greater efficiency, as well as create new organisms as well as molecules with desired bio-attributes. These bioengineered microorganisms (and possibly other life forms) can produce pharmaceuticals, detect toxic chemicals, break down pollutants, repair defective genes, destroy cancer cells, and generate …

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