Unmanned Aerial Systems are gaining more importance every single day. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are used for both defensive and offensive purposes. Different sizes and capabilities of UAS support a variety of different applications. Improved networking capabilities have enlarged the boundaries of UAS operations. Nations are working on more complex and …
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April, 2021
21 April
Changing role of Military Scientific and Technical Intelligence ( S&TI)
If the Militaries are to fight and win in future wars, it must thoroughly understand the challenges that it will face and how those challenges will impact the way it intends to fight. It must act now to ensure that it possesses a technological edge over its adversaries. This is …
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21 April
DARPA OPS-5G to mitigate security threats facing 5G and future wireless networks in military appliations
5G is the latest in a series of evolutions in public mobile networking, with widespread coverage and access on a subscription basis. 5G networks are characterized by improved capabilities across a variety of measures, including throughputs, latencies, numbers of devices, and battery life. 5G is used to attach small special …
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21 April
Militaries developing wide range of aircrafts for electronic-warfare capable of tactical jamming to ectronic attack
All modern forces depend on unimpeded access to, and use of, the EM spectrum in conducting military operations. Therefore, there is a requirement to gain and maintain an advantage in the electromagnetic spectrum by countering adversary’s systems and protecting one’s own systems. Thus the EM spectrum can no longer be …
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20 April
IARPA pursues anticipatory intelligence to predict the unpredictable , Video to open source collection & analysis to Quantum amd Exascale computing
The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) is an organization within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that funds high-risk, high-payoff research to overcome difficult challenges relevant to the United States Intelligence Community. IARPA was given the mandate to conduct cross-community research, target new opportunities and innovations, and …
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20 April
Quantum cryptography vulnerable to hacking too, Researchers developing hackerproof MDI QKD schemes to enhance network encryption
With the age of quantum computing drawing ever-closer, traditional encryption methods are at risk. While brute force attacks can take months to break through security, quantum attacks can use more advanced techniques to break standard public key cryptography in a much shorter timeframe. Quantum cryptography is an emerging technology …
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20 April
Electomagnetic Weapons can cause Havana syndrome, manipulate Nervous System to erase memories and cause extreme pain
Non-lethal weapons have been used by security forces to deter hostile crowds. They fill gaps between verbal warnings and lethal force. They have been found useful in disaster management like in the aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, where non-lethal weapons were used when riots occurred at food distribution sites. …
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19 April
Rising Green alternatives to fossil-based jet kerosene driven by rising global and military aircraft industry and concern of emissions
Global aviation fuel market was valued at US$178.560 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.00% to reach a total market size of US$253.261 billion in 2025. Booming travel and tourism industry is one of the major drivers of global aviation fuel market. According to …
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19 April
Continuing interest of Space agencies and Militaries to exploit Zero-Point Energy for applications like propulsion and for generating electric power.
Zero-point energy is the energy that remains when all other energy is removed from a system. Zero-point energy is the lowest energy that a given quantum mechanical system can have (i.e., the ground state of the system). In quantum field theory, it refers to the energy of the vacuum (i.e., …
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18 April
Militaries developing scalable hundreds of Kilowatts to Megawatts High Power Laser technologies for air and missile defense
The Laser Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) offer a transformational ‘game changer’ to counter asymmetric and disruptive threats, while facing increasingly sophisticated traditional challenges. Laser technology provides major advantages for military applications over kinetic weapons due to High precision and rapid on-target effect, precise and scalable effects, avoidance of collateral damage …
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