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Cell-free Synthetic Biology and Biomanufacturing for sustainable production of Biological Materials

We live in a material world. In today’s society, virtually every segment of our everyday life is influenced by the limitations, availability, and economic considerations of the materials used. There are more than five trillion plastic pieces in the world’s oceans, an estimated 15 billion trees are cut down each year …

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Airforce develop Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems to meet challenges of Cyber-Attacks, Anti-Access/Area-Denial (A2SD) actions and Space Threats

The current Armed drones like Predators and Reapers are essentially remote controlled that is they involve human operators remotely controlling the vehicle with the assistance of fairly low levels of automation for some functions (e.g., the operator specifies waypoints to be followed by the platform). Systems like these have proved …

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From the ground to the skies: How SDRs are shaping the future of military communication

Software Defined Radio (SDR) refers to a radio communication system where most of the traditional radio hardware components, such as filters, amplifiers, and modulators/demodulators, are replaced with software running on a general-purpose computer. In an SDR system, the analog signals received by the antenna are digitized by an analog-to-digital converter …

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Satellite Telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) Subsystem is a crucial part of any space mission

Spacecraft are man-made machines that operate in space. An orbiting spacecraft is normally referred to as a satellite, although it is manmade as opposed to a natural satellite like our moon. A spacecraft is typically subdivided into two major parts, the payload and the bus. The bus provides the structural body …

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Thermoplastic Welding for commercial and military aircrafts

The composites industry is constantly being shaped and reshaped by myriad forces – people, markets, technologies – all stimulating innovative new ways to apply fiber-reinforced materials in everything from boats and wind blades to airplanes and automobiles   Thermoplastics are synthetic plastics that can be melted, shaped, and cooled to …

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Military cables including RF and Microwave Transmission lines

Transmission Line principles Transmission lines are means of transporting RF energy between subsystems. A simple wire lead does not work well for RF and microwave applications due to its large dimensions relative to a wavelength and losses due to the skin effect. To take into account the unique characteristics of …

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Rising Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) importance for Military

Intelligence, in military science, information concerning an enemy or an area. The term is also used for an agency that gathers such information. Military intelligence is as old as warfare itself. Even in biblical times, Moses sent spies to live with the Canaanites in order to learn about their ways and …

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MEMS Manufacturing

Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) is the integration of mechanical elements (levers, springs, deformable membranes, vibrating structures, etc.), sensors, actuators, and electronics (resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc.) on a common silicon substrate through microfabrication technology. MEMS devices are today considered as one among the most promising technologies of this century, capable to revolutionize the …

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Embedded System Market

An “embedded system” is a word made by shortening “computer embedded system” meaning a system product or an electronic device into which a computer has been integrated.  An embedded system is a controller that sits within a larger system in order to perform a dedicated function. An embedded system is …

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