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Growing demand, Strategic importance and scarcity of Rare Earth Elements is driving search for new mitigation strategies

REEs are a series of chemical elements found in the Earth’s crust that are essential components of many technologies, including electronics, computer and communication systems, transportation, health care, and national defense. Rare Earths Elements (REE) are incorporated into many sophisticated technologies with both commercial and defense applications including smartphones and …

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Revolutionizing Satellite Ground Stations with Software-Defined Radios: Advantages and Opportunities

The operation of artificial satellite systems involves three main components: the space segment, user segment, and ground segment. The space segment consists of the satellite or constellation of satellites in orbit, along with the uplink and downlink satellite links. The user segment includes the end-user devices that interact with the …

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Smart Microrobots can self-reconfigure, merge, split, and heal themselves

We are on the verge of new transitions that will transform robotics. One is already underway—the miniaturization of robots, to the point where invisible, microscopic robots could be around us and inside us, performing monitoring or even life-saving functions. We have seen systematic bio-inspired efforts to create microbe-like, microscopic robots. …

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New materials for Soft Actuators or Artificial muscles enabling life like Soft Robots and augment Soldiers performance

The emerging field of soft robotics aims to improve robot/human interactivity promising to bring robots into all aspects our daily lives, including wearable robotics, surgical robots, micromanipulation, search and rescue, and others. Soft robotics differ from traditional counterparts in some important ways: Soft robots have little or no hard internal …

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Satellite Radio frequency allocation and regulation

Electromagnetic energy travels in waves and spans a broad spectrum from very long radio waves to very short gamma rays. The human eye can only detect only a small portion of this spectrum called visible light. A radio detects a different portion of the spectrum, and an x-ray machine uses …

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Military employment of animals for Warfare

Throughout history animals have accompanied men into combat as modes of transport and communication, protectors and companions. They have fulfilled a variety of roles – from carrying men and munitions to evacuating the wounded, performing guard and sentry duties to carrying out search and rescue operations, detecting gas in trenches to locating …

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DARPA Ouija employing very low- Earth orbit (VLEO) satellite sensors to predict military high-frequency (HF) radio communications

Whether in the field of battle, search-and-rescue or humanitarian aid efforts, the ability to share real-time, networked information between ground, sea and airborne forces is rapidly becoming the defining factor in a mission’s success. However modern  satellite and other  communications systems in higher frequecies are under constant threat from adversaries …

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DARPA ALIAS fly-by-wire kit turns commercial Helicopters and Aircrafts into Unmanned Drones with autonomous landing

Military aircraft today have evolved over a period of decades to have ever more automated capabilities, improving mission success and safety. At the same time, these aircraft still present challenging and complex interfaces to operators, and despite demanding training regimens, operators can experience extreme workload during emergencies and other unexpected …

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Connected Vehicles and V2X Vehicle to everything technology

Today 1.35M people die each year in automobile crashes globally; 38,000 in the U.S. alone, the equivalent of two 747s crashing in mid-air every single week. Counterintuitively, despite the COVID-19 pandemic leading to fewer drivers on the roads and a significant reduction in the number of miles driven, the latest …

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