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New Radiation-hardened electronics enable military small satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to deep space missions

There has been rapid growth in New Space applications like small satellites (small sats) and Low Earth Orbit (LEO) mega constellations or satellite swarms. The increased U.S. investment in military space is driving growth in classified and unclassified applications.   The Satellite has a large number of electronic systems and …

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Implementing AS9100 Quality Standard for Aviation, Space and Defense products and services

Quality standards are defined as documents that provide requirements, specifications, guidelines, or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes, and services are fit for their purpose. Standards provide organizations with the shared vision, understanding, procedures, and vocabulary needed to meet the expectations of their stakeholders. Because …

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Challenges for electronics for defense and aerospace and technology solutions

The Satellite has a large number of electronic systems and subsystems which are critical to the functioning and its mission. The spacecraft is divided into two sections: the platform or bus and the payload. The platform consists of the five basic subsystems that support the payload: the structural subsystem, the …

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Military Specifications and Standards

Defense standards evolved from the need to ensure proper performance, maintainability and reparability (ease of MRO), and logistical usefulness of military equipment. The latter two goals (MRO and logistics) favor certain general concepts, such as interchangeability, standardization (of equipment and processes, in general), cataloging, communications, and training (to teach people …

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Satellite Electric Power Subsystem (EPS) is a vital subsystem providing the power required for mission

Satellite present in an orbit should be operated continuously during its life span. All the satellites require internal power in order to operate various electronic systems and communications payloads that are present in it. The Electrical Power System (EPS) is a vital subsystem whose primary role is to supply satellite …

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MIL-STD-810 standards ensure electronic systems designed, manufactured, and tested to battle harsh defense and aerospace conditions

MIL-STD 810 is a Department of Defense Test Method Standard for environmental engineering considerations and laboratory tests. It is the most popular Military specification used to conduct environmental testing of military products. Given the fact that these products may be exposed to harsh or even extreme conditions, their reliability under …

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Military Aerospace material requirements and technologies

According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the demand for air travel rose by 7.4% in 2018 from 2017 levels. Air passengers accounted for 81.9% of the load factor on aircrafts, while freight load was 49.3%, the IATA data reveals. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has created turmoil in the …

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Enabling technologies of In-Space Assembly (OOS / ISA), automated satellite on-orbit servicing (OOS) and Robotic Manufacturing and Assembly (IRMA)

In the history of spaceflight, almost all spacecraft have been manufactured and assembled on the ground, then integrated into a launch vehicle for delivery into orbit. This approach imposes significant limitations on the size, volume, and design of payloads that can be accommodated within the fairing of a single launch …

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Satellite Image Analysis using Deep learning methods enables Automatic Target Recognition ( ATR) of military targets

Despite substantial advances in global human well-being, the world continues to experience humanitarian crises and natural disasters. Long-term conflicts affect people in many parts of the world, but often, accurate maps of the affected regions either do not exist or are outdated by disaster or conflict. Satellite imagery is readily …

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Big Data Analytics technology and trends

The complexity of managing projects within the Triple constraints has been increasing day by day. Various factors contributing include shortening product development cycles, changing customer expectations, exponentially increasing usage of the internet as well as more millennials in the project teams.   One of the ways to manage this complexity …

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