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Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) for Satellites and Aerospace

A system is defined by NASA as  a construct or collection of different elements that together produce results not obtainable by the elements alone. Systems Engineering (SE) is defined as: The process by which a customer’s needs are satisfied through the conceptualization, design, modeling, testing, implementation, and operation of a …

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Agile Engineering is the Future of Aerospace Design and Production

In the middle of the 1990s, the common way of developing software was a heavyweight software development methodology, comprising of complete requirements documentation of design and architecture, followed by coding, integration, and finally testing based on a detailed test plan before an application was deemed production-ready. This traditional and sequential life …

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Phased Array Antennas for LEO satellite Constellation Ground Station

Satellite communication systems consist of two main segments, the space segment and the earth or ground station. The ground station system coordinates the communication process with satellites in space. A communications satellite is an artificial satellite that relays and amplifies radio telecommunications signals via a transponder; it creates a communication …

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Human/machine hybrids or cyborgs evolving to biocyborgs

The synthetic biology is an engineering approach to biology. The aim is to re-design of existing, natural biological systems for useful purposes as well as design and construction of new biological parts, devices, and systems.   An Organism’s sensing, metabolic, and decision-making capabilities are all encoded within their genome as …

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Graphene nanoribbons

Graphene is a 1-atom-thick layer of tightly bonded carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. Graphene the world’s first 2D nanomaterial, is widely regarded as the “wonder material” of the 21st century due to the combination of its extraordinary properties. As a single layer of graphite, it is the thinnest …

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Graphene infrared (IR) photodetectors enable ultrafast and room temperature IR cameras ultrasensitive for entire spectrum, and 3D cameras

Photodetectors, also called photosensors, are sensors of light or other electromagnetic radiation. There is a wide variety of photodetectors that may be classified by mechanism of detection, such as photoelectric or photochemical effects, or by various performance metrics, such as spectral response. Photodetectors are devices that measure photon flux or …

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ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems for Defense and Aerospace

The term enterprise can be defined as describing an organizational unit, organization, or collection of organizations that share a set of common goals and collaborate to provide specific products or services to customers. In that sense, the term enterprise covers various types of organizations, regardless of their size, ownership model, operational …

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Blood Shortage on the Battlefield require new blood transfusion, transportation and manufacturing technologies

Blood transfusion is an essential medical practice that is frequently under the threat of limited availability. Each year, 120 million blood donations are realized in the world, of which 50% are accessible to only 16% of the world population. Even in developed countries, shortages are not uncommon (ex. aging population …

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Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) in Aerospace and Defense

In the electronics industry, the majority of new products are an enhancement of an existing product. Typically new models are developed to be faster, smaller, lighter, or include additional functionality. However, occasionally an innovative, original concept will be conceived to address a gap in the market or to exploit a …

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Biohybrid robots are next revolution that incorporate living organisms into robots to optimize their performances.

Scientists have created robots of all shapes and sizes with increasing complexity in recent decades. Some robots function well on assembly lines, tightening bolts or welding together sheets of metal. Recent years have also witnessed an increased interest in intelligent micro-robots. Due to their small size, micro-robots can simulate the …

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