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Energy & Propulsion

Exploring the Cosmos: Space Propulsion Technologies, Trends, and the Global Market

Introduction: The vast expanse of the cosmos has always fascinated humanity, prompting us to reach for the stars. As we embark on ambitious space exploration missions, the role of space propulsion technologies becomes increasingly crucial. This article delves into the intricate world of spacecraft propulsion, exploring the mechanisms, evolving technologies, …

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Electric and Ion Propulsion: Igniting a New Space Race for Mars, Mercury, and Beyond

The vastness of space has always beckoned humanity to explore its mysteries, and as technology advances, the race to conquer new frontiers intensifies. The roar of chemical rockets is fading into the annals of history. A new, electrifying era is dawning, fueled by silent thrusters and the unyielding ambition of nations …

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Plasma technologies: Revolutionizing Space, Defense, and Beyond

In the realm of matter, plasma stands out as the fourth state, distinct from solids, liquids, and gases. A fascinating entity, plasma arises when gas becomes ionized, where at least one electron breaks free from atoms or molecules. This ionization transforms the gas into an electrically conductive medium, responding robustly …

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DARPA THREADS enhancing range of Military Radars and Communication Systems through thermal management of GaN transistors

Radar and communication systems are ubiquitous in both military and commercial applications. Whether they are being used to navigate, control air traffic, track weather patterns, carry out search-and-rescue missions, map terrain, or countless other functions, radar technologies are constantly advancing.   As radio-frequency (RF) systems, radar capabilities hinge on the …

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Revolutionizing Space Communication and Power Transfer with FSOCP: Enabling Technologies

Introduction In the vast expanse of space, communication and power are lifelines for satellites, spacecraft, and future missions. Free-Space Optical Communication and Power Transfer (FSOCP) represents a groundbreaking technology that is poised to revolutionize how we transmit data and energy through the cosmos. FSOCP combines the power of optical communication …

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Unleashing Geothermal Power: The Clean Energy Revolution Powered by Breakthrough Technologies

In the pursuit of a sustainable future, renewable energy sources have taken center stage. While solar and wind power have dominated the clean energy landscape, another mighty contender is poised to make a big breakout: geothermal energy. With recent breakthrough technologies, geothermal power is emerging as a viable, clean, and …

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Global shortage of battery minerals: Solution approaches to mitigate the threat stalling the electric vehicle growth

Introduction The world is at a critical juncture in the pursuit of sustainable transportation. Electric vehicles (EVs) offer a promising solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. However, a major roadblock stands in the way of their widespread adoption – the global shortage of battery minerals. As …

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Navigating the Challenges: Battery Considerations in the Era of Electric Aircraft

Introduction: The aviation industry is undergoing a transformative shift towards electric propulsion systems, driven by the imperative to reduce gas emissions, optimize aircraft performance, and decrease operating and maintenance costs. This progression has led to the emergence of More Electric Aircraft (MEA) and the eventual vision of All Electric Aircraft. …

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Harnessing the Power of Microbes: Bacteria Generate Electricity from Wastewater

In the quest for sustainable energy sources, scientists have turned to some of the tiniest and often underestimated heroes of the natural world: bacteria. These microscopic powerhouses are demonstrating their ability to generate electricity from an unlikely source – wastewater. In this blog, we’ll explore the remarkable phenomenon of bacteria …

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The Future of Flight: Morphing Hypersonic Engines

Introduction In the quest for faster and more efficient ways to travel through the skies, hypersonic flight has emerged as a technological frontier. Hypersonic flight, defined as speeds exceeding Mach 5 (around 3,836 mph or 6,200 km/h), holds the promise of revolutionizing air travel, drastically reducing journey times, and opening …

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