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Electronics & EW

Terahertz Antennas

Terahertz (THz) represents the portion of the electromagnetic radiation between the microwave and the infrared region. It is within the frequency range of 0.1–10 THz, corresponding to wavelengths of radiation from 3000 to 30 µm. The advantages of the terahertz light are that they are non-invasive, intrinsically safe, and non-ionizing, …

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Reduction of Magnetic Field Signature of Military Vehicles and Ships

As a vessel travels under or on the surface of water, it causes a detectable local disturbance in Earth’s magnetic field. This disturbance, referred to as the magnetic signature, makes the vessel vulnerable to enemy defense systems. In submarine warfare, adversaries use increasingly sophisticated magnetic sensor and signal processing equipment to …

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Next-gen spaceflight computing Radiation hardened Processors

The advances in space demand next generation of space data and signal processing requirements High speed computers enable on-board image processing capability reduce the amount of bandwidth required to downlink the enormous images associated with emerging sensor developments. Onboard processing allows a complete image to be down linked directly to …

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Quantum Thermal Transistor

The control of electric currents in solids is at the origin of modern electronics which has revolutionised our daily life. The diode and the transistor introduced by Braun  and Bardeen and Brattain  are undoubtedly the corner stones of modern information technologies. Such devices allow for rectifying, switching, modulating, and even …

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Electronic connectors becoming high-speed, compact and thinner, high frequency and high power connectors.

An electronic connector is an electro-mechanical device whose purpose is to quickly and easily disconnect or interrupt a circuit path or  electrical circuits . Most electrical connectors have a gender – i.e. the male component, called a plug, connects to the female component, or socket. The connection may be removable …

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Digital software-defined radar technology for Military

RADAR offers special advantages with respect to other types of sensors including all-day, all-weather operations, long detection distance and, depending on the frequency used, penetration. Moreover, radar can often be carried by a number of platforms, spanning from classic naval and airborne to more recent space-borne, UAVs, such as drones, …

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Militaries moving from C4ISR and C5ISR to C6ISR

Success in traditional warfighting domains now requires mastering the Information Environment, which includes the electrometric spectrum, space, cyber domain, and the data that crosses them. Rapid data-enhanced decision-making, which increases lethality, defines warfare in the Information Age. Success depends on rapidly understanding the environment and enemy to make decisions faster …

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Large Global semiconductor market growth driven by consumer electronics, cloud computing, internet-connected devices (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence

The semiconductor industry is the aggregate of companies engaged in the design and fabrication of semiconductors and semiconductor devices, such as transistors and integrated circuits. The semiconductor industry is in turn the driving force behind the wider electronics industry. The amazing development of electronics in the past decades, from early …

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Troposcatter systems to provide backup to Satellite communications amid increasing space warfare threat

The dominant mode of communication today uses antennas to transmit information carrying high frequency signals using antennas which at the receive site produce an electrical signal which is amplified and demodulated by the receiver equipment. However this form of communication is limited by line of sight propagation limiting the range …

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Wireless consumer Electronics product design and testing RF/ Over The Air (OTA) measurement systems/chambers

Consumer Electronics product design and development has come a long way from traditional product development. Earlier, product development involved a semi-conductor company building a reference design around a brought out silicon/processor and promoting it in the targeted market segment. Some examples include semiconductor companies like Texas Instruments and Analog Devices, …

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