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Electronics & EW

Military Race for Integrated Cyber, Space, EW, Signals intelligence and Communications capability for Information Dominance

Joint Publication (JP 1-02) defined the electromagnetic spectrum as the “range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation from zero to infinity” (U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2010b). In a more detailed interpretation, the electromagnetic spectrum is a series of frequencies  from the lowest to the highest frequency (longest to shortest wavelength), …

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DARPA SPCE improving efficiency of radiation-tolerant Power convertors for Military LEO Satellites

The space industry is set to expand to over $8.8 billion dollars by 2030 fueled by the rapid increase in the number of small satellite launches and decreased costs resulting from rideshare companies and programs   A satellite present in an orbit should be operated continuously during its life span. …

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DARPA P-IR developing very small, persistent infrared radiation (IR) sensors of personnel

Infrared radiation detectors are a critical component for DoD imaging systems used in areas such as military vehicles, military night vision, military communication, environmental monitoring, and target acquisition. In addition, they are crucial for commercial markets including surveillance, digital cameras, automotive and scientific research.   Common constraints for IR sensors …

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DARPA DSSoC designing heterogeneous SoC for Military Radar, LIDAR and Software-defined radio (SDR)

The general-purpose computer has remained the dominant computing architecture for the last 50 years, driven largely by the relentless pace of Moore’s Law. As this trajectory shows signs of slowing, however, it has become increasingly more challenging to achieve performance gains from generalized hardware, setting the stage for a resurgence …

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DARPA ELGAR developing sub terahertz G-Band Electronics including MMICs for emerging 6G Era

Due to the growing, insatiable thirst for information, both commercial and defense communications are driving towards increasingly higher data rates and wider bandwidths of operation. This in turn is driving systems toward higher operating frequencies, which more easily supports larger channel bandwidths. For example, today’s cellular networks (i.e., cellular networks …

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Distributed Coherent RF Arrays of radar, communications and Electronic warfare enable Network-Centric (NCW)

Researchers are exploring the possibilities of combining the operations of distributed mobile systems with coherence at the radio frequency (RF) level, called coherent RF arrays, and the microwave and millimeter-wave technologies necessary to get there. The term “distributed” makes explicit that either the transmission or the reception function is divided …

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Terahertz Antennas

Terahertz (THz) represents the portion of the electromagnetic radiation between the microwave and the infrared region. It is within the frequency range of 0.1–10 THz, corresponding to wavelengths of radiation from 3000 to 30 µm. The advantages of the terahertz light are that they are non-invasive, intrinsically safe, and non-ionizing, …

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Reduction of Magnetic Field Signature of Military Vehicles and Ships

As a vessel travels under or on the surface of water, it causes a detectable local disturbance in Earth’s magnetic field. This disturbance, referred to as the magnetic signature, makes the vessel vulnerable to enemy defense systems. In submarine warfare, adversaries use increasingly sophisticated magnetic sensor and signal processing equipment to …

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Next-gen spaceflight computing Radiation hardened Processors

The advances in space demand next generation of space data and signal processing requirements High speed computers enable on-board image processing capability reduce the amount of bandwidth required to downlink the enormous images associated with emerging sensor developments. Onboard processing allows a complete image to be down linked directly to …

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Quantum Thermal Transistor

The control of electric currents in solids is at the origin of modern electronics which has revolutionised our daily life. The diode and the transistor introduced by Braun  and Bardeen and Brattain  are undoubtedly the corner stones of modern information technologies. Such devices allow for rectifying, switching, modulating, and even …

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