Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers. A computer system able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. The first wave of AI was rule-based and “second wave” …
Read More »DARPA SenSARS project aims to identify airborne pathogens like COVID-19 in seconds or minutes
As the virus that causes COVID-19 began to spread from person to person in communities (community transmission), scientists needed to track the disease and try to slow its spread. Fast and reliable tests for the new coronavirus are urgently needed to bring the pandemic under control as soon as possible. …
Read More »DARPA Battlefield Medicine Bio-MOD program deveoping high speed manufacturing and delivery of urgently needed pharmaceutical products to Wounded Soldiers
Battlefield medicine, also called field surgery and later combat casualty care, is the treatment of wounded combatants and non-combatants in or near an area of combat. Studies of historical casualty rates have shown that about half of military personnel killed in action died from the loss of blood and that …
Read More »The increasing use of Synthetic Cannabinoids for recreational, and medicinal although Soldiers prohibited in use of Cannabinoid as it affects military readiness
The word cannabinoid refers to every chemical substance, regardless of structure or origin, that joins the cannabinoid receptors of the body and brain and that have similar effects to those produced by the Cannabis Sativa plant. Cannabinoids are compounds found in cannabis. Research has found that the cannabis plant produces …
Read More »Electomagnetic Weapons can cause Havana syndrome, manipulate Nervous System to erase memories and cause extreme pain
Non-lethal weapons have been used by security forces to deter hostile crowds. They fill gaps between verbal warnings and lethal force. They have been found useful in disaster management like in the aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, where non-lethal weapons were used when riots occurred at food distribution sites. …
Read More »Emerging field neuromodulation, or biostimulation, or electroceuticals, is emerging as an alternative to costly chemical and biologic drugs.
The human body is electric. Peripheral nerves connect all organs to the central nervous system, and those nerves are packaged in various bundles. The vagus nerve, for example, carries about 100,000 nerve fibers. It’s also the longest nerve in the body, linking the brain to organs from the esophagus to …
Read More »Remerging threat of Biological Weapons attack against Agricultural Targets and Agrobioterrorism, with advances in Gene editing, synthetic biology, and improved delivery systems
Food and agriculture are key elements of the critical infrastructure of every country because they provide products that are essential for life. The United States is a country with a highly developed agricultural sector. Food and agriculture constitute a sixth of the U.S. gross domestic product, totaling more than a …
Read More »Synthetic Biology has enhanced asymmetric Bio warfare and Bio terrorism threat posed by biological weapons, in response US launches Biodefence Strategy
The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that significant biological threats can and will emerge from nature without warning, demonstrating that a single viral strain can have a profound impact on modern society. It has also demonstrated that infectious diseases can rapidly spread throughout a population without human engineering making them the …
Read More »DARPA N3 developed Nonsurgical Brain Machine Interfaces for soldiers to use their thoughts alone to control multiple unmanned vehicles or a bomb disposal robot on battlefield
The brain-computer interface (BCI) allows people to use their thoughts to control not only themselves, but the world around them. BCI enables a bidirectional communication between a brain and an external device, bidirectional generally includes direct neural readout and feedback and direct neural write-in. Over the past two decades, …
Read More »COVID-19 Outbreak raises the threat of next pandemic, Synthetic Biologists race to develop detection, vaccination to cure technologies
Since December 31, 2019, when the 2019-nCoV coronavirus was first reported from Wuhan, China, It has spread like wildfire to every corner of the globe, posing a serious threat for the foreseeable future. Millions have been infected, although a worse tragedy has been avoided thanks to widespread adoption of social …
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