Medical assistants are health care professionals who assist doctors in clinics and medical offices. Medical assistants work alongside physicians, mainly in outpatient or ambulatory care facilities, such as medical offices and clinics. A medical assistant (or MA) is often considered a physician’s right hand. These allied health professionals assist in …
Read More »Organ-On-Chip technology and Market
In the UK, there are some 7,000 people on the list who are in dire need of organ transplants and In the US, the number awaiting transplant is around 120,000, with 20 dying each day for want of an organ. Current organ transplant patients have to take immunosuppressant drugs all …
Read More »Animals and Insects Warfare employ them from Mobile Biological Sensors to weapons to attack the enemy
Throughout history animals have accompanied men into combat as modes of transport and communication, protectors and companions. They have fulfilled a variety of roles – from carrying men and munitions to evacuating the wounded, performing guard and sentry duties to carrying out search and rescue operations, detecting gas in trenches to locating …
Read More »Sensor technologies trends and market
A Sensor is an electronic device that is used to measure some sort of physical parameters (e.g. temperature, pressure, light intensity, etc). The output of an electronic sensor is an electrical signal that is either analog or digital. Processing the sensor’s output can be done in hardware (using discrete electronic …
Read More »Synthetic Biology can fix Supply Chain Challenges
Our livelihoods – food, jobs, energy – depend on functioning and resilient global supply chains. Unfortunately, the uncertainty caused by the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic from region to region has made it difficult to resume business on a global scale. Since the beginning of COVID-19, companies and countries …
Read More »DARPA ReVector prevents pathogens from entering human body by modifying Skin Microbiome throgh synthetic biology
The mosquito is the deadliest animal on the planet, responsible for spreading malaria, which kills more than 400,000 people every year. The American Society for Microbiology estimates that there are trillions of microbes living in or on the human body that constitute the human microbiome. The human skin microbiome …
Read More »Nanobiophotonics multidisciplinary field of nanotechnology, biomedical science, and photonics Applications
This is the age of multidisciplinary frontiers in science and technology where major breakthroughs are likely to occur at the interfaces of disciplines. Light has always fascinated mankind and since the beginning of recorded history, it has been both a subject of research and a tool for the investigation …
Read More »Continuous Manufacturing technology for “pharmacy on demand,”
The manufacturing of pharmaceuticals has lagged behind the research and development of new therapeutics. The same batch processes that were used over a century ago are still being used today, while other industries have moved forward with automated and continuous operations (eg, fine chemical, oil, gas, and food industries) …
Read More »Cyberbiosecurity threats, vulnerabilites and cyberbiosecurity technologies
The life sciences now interface broadly with information technology (IT) through its industrial applications in health care, agriculture, manufacturing, automation, artificial intelligence, and synthetic biology. The information moves between living and cyber systems in a two-way flow. Global public health crises create conditions of extreme fragility where dual-use technologies …
Read More »Human/machine hybrids or cyborgs evolving to biocyborgs
The synthetic biology is an engineering approach to biology. The aim is to re-design of existing, natural biological systems for useful purposes as well as design and construction of new biological parts, devices, and systems. An Organism’s sensing, metabolic, and decision-making capabilities are all encoded within their genome as …
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