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Next-generation In-Vehicle Networking

Advances in automotive design have led to an exponential increase in vehicle electronics. Today’s vehicle design improvements are due in large part to the application of electronics to automotive systems. Vehicle functions are divided into systems and sub-systems to provide for passenger entertainment, comfort, and safety, as well as to …

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Future armored vehicles will have enhanced lethality, survivability, situation awareness, mobility and signature management

The effectiveness of anti-tank weapons used by Ukraine against Russian tanks revives old questions as well as generates new ones about armoured fighting vehicles and their future. Oryx, an open-source site tracking military-equipment losses around the world, has reported that Moscow has lost 5,020 military vehicles since the beginning of its …

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After 5G, now 6G research race to satisfy Military’s growing requirements to gather, analyze, and share information rapidly

With every generation of communications technology, the focus of the network changes. The 2G and 3G eras centered on human-to-human communication through voice and text. 4G heralded a fundamental shift to the massive consumption of data, while the 5G era has turned its focus on connecting the Internet of Things …

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Cyber Threats Targeting Food and Agriculture Sector (FA) and Cyber Security

Throughout much of the world, food and beverage safety and security is a high priority. Concomitantly, the economics, societal robustness, and security implications of agriculture, foodstuffs and beverages are massive. Extensive quality measures are in place to prevent and mitigate threats from manifesting; outbreak and contamination detection and response systems …

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Next-gen spaceflight computing Radiation hardened Processors

The advances in space demand next generation of space data and signal processing requirements High speed computers enable on-board image processing capability reduce the amount of bandwidth required to downlink the enormous images associated with emerging sensor developments. Onboard processing allows a complete image to be down linked directly to …

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Implantable Biosensors for Soldier’s health monitoring, diagnosis, and disease treatments

Biosensors, that is sensors that can detect parameters in a living being, are becoming more and more effective in several respects: detecting more and more parameters, becoming more and more sensitive, being able to co-exist for long period of time with the hosting organism to the point of becoming an …

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Ramjet Powered Artillery Round can penetrate anti-access/area denial networks

One of the major lessons from Ukraine’s artillery war is that the side that can shoot farthest dominates the battlefield.  According to the report, Russian howitzers are expending 20,000 shells daily on average, compared to 6,000 fired by Ukraine. The ratio for rocket artillery and ballistic-missile launches is even worse. …

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Quantum dots, the semiconducting nanocrystals enable efficient & cheaper displays, solar cells, and infrared cameras

Driven by technology advances in solid-state optoelectronics, light-emitting diode (LED) lighting has been expanded to a wide range of applications in consumer electronics, automotive, architectural, and healthcare settings. Recently, there has been a drive to make lighting “smart” by incorporating internet of things (IoT) connectivity and machine learning-based artificial intelligence …

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Quantum Thermal Transistor

The control of electric currents in solids is at the origin of modern electronics which has revolutionised our daily life. The diode and the transistor introduced by Braun  and Bardeen and Brattain  are undoubtedly the corner stones of modern information technologies. Such devices allow for rectifying, switching, modulating, and even …

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Biomedical Informatics and Computational biology technologies require Supercomputers for projects like Covid-19 and Military

Computational biology is a branch of biology that aims to better understand and model biological structures and processes by utilizing computers and computer science. It entails the application of computer methods (such as algorithms) to the representation and simulation of biological systems and the large-scale analysis of experimental data.   …

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